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1105 search results for: australia


The Stream, February 2: Somalia Famine Appeal Remains Underfunded

The Global Rundown More resources are urgently needed to prevent a famine in drought-hit Somalia, United Nations agencies warned. The Dakota Access oil pipeline may soon secure a federal permit to cross under Lake Oahe in North Dakota. Heavy rains in Zimbabwe could destroy crops this season, another setback for farmers affected by last year’s […]


Choke Point: Tamil Nadu

New reporting project describes how drought, storms, and floods are forcing big Indian state to contend with severe water stress. By Keith Schneider Circle of Blue TUTICORIN, INDIA — Among the 75 government ministries that manage and regulate this bewitching and impassioned nation, there is no Ministry of the Future. There should be. Narendra Modi, […]


The Stream, January 27: Water A Sticking Point For Brazil Iron Mine

The Global Rundown Concern about water supplies is one of the last remaining hurdles before the Samarco iron ore mine can resume production in Brazil. The condition of Gaza’s aquifer continues to deteriorate. Dozens of people are injured after clashes between police and activists in Bangladesh erupted at a protest against the proposed Sundarbans coal […]


The Stream, January 25: Climate Change Brings Floods, Droughts, and Melting Glaciers to Europe

The Global Rundown A new study predicts Europe will experience more floods, droughts, and glacier-melting temperatures as climate change progresses. The Dakota Access and Keystone XL oil pipelines are back on the table after U.S. President Donald Trump signed executive orders reviving the projects. Protest camps are popping up along Florida’s Suwannee River in opposition […]


The Stream, January 24: Water Risks Not Getting Attention In Business Supply Chains

The Global Rundown Few businesses are asking their suppliers for information on water risks and management, according to a new report. Officials in Afghanistan are accusing Iran of working to undermine water development projects on the Helmand River. The administration of President Donald Trump will likely rescind the U.S. Clean Water Rule that ensures federal […]


The Stream, January 19: Ontario Proposes Steep Price Hike For Bottled Water Companies

The Global Rundown Ontario plans to impose a much higher water rate for bottled water companies amid public concern over groundwater withdrawals. New funding and legislation in Victoria aims to improve environmental enforcement in the Australian state. Tanneries, sewage, and other industrial and municipal effluent continue to pollute the Ganga, despite India’s repeated attempts to […]


The Stream, December 19: Water Quality Declines in Gaza Aquifer

The Global Rundown The condition of Gaza’s coastal aquifer continues to deteriorate due to a combination of population growth and political pressures. The largest glacier in East Antarctica is thinning, raising concerns about its potential contribution to sea level rise. Countries in sub-Saharan Africa could see some of the worst economic effects from climate change […]


Water and Mining: Are Companies Correctly Pricing in Risks? | PODCAST |

From Peru to Australia water stresses are rewriting the way mines are built, regulated, and operated. While the environmental risks to water from mining are well documented, new concerns arise as populations grow and water scarcity increases. Are companies pricing these new risks into their operations? Are communities around mines informed not only about environmental […]


The Stream, November 24: Landfill Waste Threatens Groundwater In Senegal

The Global Rundown Leachate from waste dumped outside of Senegal’s capital, Dakar, may be polluting the city’s groundwater. A late-season hurricane is expected to make landfall in Central America today, triggering floods and landslides. The expansion of an iron ore mine in Western Australia may cause groundwater levels to decline and affect streams in a […]


In Water-Scarce Regions Desalination Plants Are Risky Investments

Four big plants in Australia are stranded assets.   By Keith Schneider Circle of Blue Earlier this year, during India’s deepest drought in decades, local authorities in central Maharashtra reported the highest rainfall deficit in the country. Water levels behind dams dropped so far that reservoirs had bathtub rings of dried sand and mud. Puddles […]