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1030 search results for: Colorado River


The Stream, December 17: Climate Risks Underestimated By Not Taking Into Account Water, Agriculture, Ecosystem, and Health Interactions

Climate Change Under a worse-case scenario in which global temperatures rise 4 degrees Celsius, most of the world would experience interrelated stresses to water, agriculture, ecosystems, and public health, with 18 percent of the population experiencing “severe pressure” in each category, according to a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, […]


The Stream, November 20: Debate Over Bottled Water Safety

Bottled Water With sales of bottled water in China expected to reach $US 16 billion by 2017, some economists worry that government involvement in the industry may encourage lower safety standards as local authorities compete to attract investment, Business Insider reported. China recently announced reforms aimed at cleaning up its food and water supplies. An […]


The Stream, November 1: Coal Plant Threatens Water and Mangroves in Bangladesh

Conservation A new coal plant planned by Bangladesh and India could harm the ecologically sensitive Sundarbans—the world’s largest mangrove forest, Yale Environment 360 reported. While Bangladesh’s government argues that the plant will generate much needed electricity, conservations worry that the vast amounts of water it would withdraw and release could destroy the mangroves and the […]


Saturated In Blue

Joanne Yao, a summer intern with Circle of Blue, reflects on the wet world around her in Traverse City, Michigan. Photo courtesy of Joanne Yao / Circle of Blue Waves crash against metal barriers in Lake Michigan at the Point Betsie Lighthouse in Frankfort, Michigan. Lake Michigan, the only one of the Great Lakes located […]


Federal Water Tap, September 30: Algae in Lake Erie

Too Many Vitamins A phosphorous target for the Maumee River, a key tributary, and prohibitions on certain fertilizers in lawn-care products are two of 15 recommendations in a draft plan for reducing algal blooms in Lake Erie. The plan comes from the commission that manages waters shared by Canada and the United States. The International […]


Federal Water Tap, September 16: National Water Census Update

Countdown The first products from the National Water Census will be estimates of water flows in rivers without gauges and estimates of evapotranspiration, according to a congressional briefing led by the U.S. Geological Survey. Required in the SECURE Water Act of 2009, the census will be a comprehensive survey of national water use and availability, […]