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753 search results for: food security


2015 Biggest Trends: Water Scarcity Rises to Top Global Concern

After a year of deep droughts, worsening pollution, rising sea levels, and floods, water was finally recognized as perilous to nations and the international economy. By Keith Schneider Circle of Blue JOHANNESBURG — In the last days of 2015, the Famine Early Warning System Network, a forecasting tool, reported that the deepest drought experienced by […]


The Stream, December 24: Cambodia Prime Minister Defends Hydropower Development

The Global Rundown The leader of Cambodia defended his country’s hydropower development plans against criticism that dams will harm fisheries, forests, and the communities that depend on them. Droughts in Papua New Guinea and Ethiopia are creating severe food insecurity, and storms have displaced millions of people in the Philippines. Puerto Rico agreed to upgrade […]


South African Power Plants Roiled By Water Scarcity and Global Pivot Away From Carbon

Bankruptcies, project shutdowns, regulation, and emission limits curb enthusiasm for fossil fuels. By Keith Schneider, Circe of Blue Images from space of the Kusile and Medupi power stations, under construction in South Africa, show rows of partially completed turbine plants, a pick-up sticks jumble of big tower cranes, and an armada of trucks. The stunningly clear […]


Federal Water Tap, November 30: President Obama Attends Paris Climate Change Conference

The Rundown President Obama arrives in Paris. The Interior Department will review a proposed river diversion in southwest New Mexico. Food safety rule targets irrigation water. The Coast Guard updates a ballast water rule. 2015 continues to break heat records. “We support a strong and ambitious agreement that holds countries accountable for the emission target […]


Commentary: Drought Influenced Syrian Civil War; So What, Says U.S. Congress

U.S. Congress on an island of reflexive denial. By Keith Schneider, Circle of Blue A paper published earlier this year in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States added fresh, peer-reviewed details about how a malicious four-year (2007 to 2010) drought in Syria played a role in touching off a […]


The Stream, November 19: International Agreement Restricts Coal Financing

The Global Rundown More than 30 countries, including the United States, agreed to dramatically scale back financing for overseas coal-fired power plants ahead of the Paris climate change negotiations. A United Nations board urged the organization to create a scientific body focused on water. Flood risks are growing in Chennai, India, while a drought in […]


The Stream, October 26: El Nino Drought Brings Hunger to Ethiopia

The Global Rundown A drought in Ethiopia is putting millions of people at risk of hunger, according to aid organizations, while extreme rainfall over the weekend triggered flash floods in Texas. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency could have prevented a spill of toxic wastewater from a Colorado mine, a new report found, and earthquakes in […]