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927 search results for: sanitation


America’s Septic System Failures Can Be Fixed

Solutions require new thinking about wastewater treatment By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue Conceived as a low-cost, low-tech means of disposing toilet waste in rural communities without sewers, septic systems have become a leading cause of the toxic algae blooms that, like a rainbow cloak, drape across lakes, bays, and coastal shorelines on Cape Cod, […]


Federal Water Tap, December 21: White House Announces Water Innovation Strategy

The Rundown Obama administration wants to jumpstart water technology. Congressional budget deal clinches water funding while a separate rural water bill passes Congress. An Arkansas representative wants to incentivize groundwater conservation. Government watchdog chides the EPA’s promotion of the Clean Water Rule on social media. Federal officials tell Colorado River states to fix chronic water […]


The Stream, December 9: Uranium Contamination A Growing Problem in U.S. Groundwater

The Global Rundown Groundwater contaminated with unsafe levels of uranium poses a growing risk to communities in places like California’s Central Valley, while the United Nations warned that mining companies and government officials in Brazil are not doing enough to restore safe water after the Samarco mine disaster. Floods turned deadly in the Democratic Republic […]


Paris Negotiators Expected to Reach First Global Climate Pact

Momentum for a deal is strong. Photo © J. Carl Ganter / Circle of Blue Bill McKibben, co-founder of ““Paris is the scoreboard more than the game,” he says. “The results will reflect how much movement pressure we’ve built since Copenhagen.” Click image to enlarge. By Keith Schneider Circle of Blue French authorities issued […]


Septic System Pollution Contributes to Disease Outbreaks

More research and funding is needed to help understand the severity By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue Drip by drip, septic systems, both faulty units and those that pass inspection, are nurturing an undesirable gang of bacteria, parasites, viruses, nutrients, and other contaminants in groundwater, streams, and soil in the United States. Septic pollution represents […]


The Stream, November 20: European Commission Targets Greece Over Wastewater

The Global Rundown The European Union’s executive body is pursuing fines against Greece for the country’s failure to address wastewater treatment problems. Poor conditions in a South Sudan refugee camp are leading to sickness, and rainstorms in Kenya are clogging a major East African trade route. Kiribati’s president continued to call for a global moratorium […]


The Stream, November 19: International Agreement Restricts Coal Financing

The Global Rundown More than 30 countries, including the United States, agreed to dramatically scale back financing for overseas coal-fired power plants ahead of the Paris climate change negotiations. A United Nations board urged the organization to create a scientific body focused on water. Flood risks are growing in Chennai, India, while a drought in […]


The Stream, November 17: U.S. Oil Draws Water From Other Countries

The Global Rundown The production of oil used by the United States relies heavily on freshwater supplies in other countries, a new study found. El Nino will continue to strengthen through the end of the year, according to the World Meteorological Organization. Floods in India and Sri Lanka turned deadly, and the drought in South […]