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1471 search results for: China


Federal Water Tap, September 6: President Obama Signs Paris Agreement, Pledges Salton Sea Help

The Rundown The United States joins a global climate agreement, while the secretary of state speaks bluntly in India about energy choices. President Obama promises federal attention to the shrinking Salton Sea. The EPA’s internal watchdog will investigate the agency’s oversight of state drinking water programs, while an EPA regional office tells New York City […]


The Stream, September 6: Johannesburg Enacts Water Restrictions

The Global Rundown Dwindling water supplies in the Vaal River system have forced Johannesburg, South Africa to implement water restrictions for residents. India’s Supreme Court ordered Karnataka to release water to Tamil Nadu, despite dry conditions in the Cauvery River Basin. An independent adviser told Japan that treated water stored at the damaged Fukushima nuclear […]


The Stream, September 5: Malaria Risk From African Dams Will Increase Under Climate Change

The Global Rundown Living near dams will become riskier for many people in Africa as climate change expands the area vulnerable to malaria, a study found. China and the United States announced their commitment to ratifying the Paris climate agreement. Indigenous communities in Peru are raising concerns about a proposed electrical transmission line that would […]


The Stream, September 1: Commission Formed To Study Myitsone Dam in Myanmar

The Global Rundown A government commission in Myanmar aims to evaluate the social and environmental effects of the controversial Myitsone Dam, which opponents say could harm the Irrawaddy River. A burgeoning tourism industry is putting pressure on water supplies in Chile’s Atacama desert. State hearings began on water contamination in Hoosick Falls, New York, where […]


The Stream, August 30: Groundwater Contaminated In India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal

The Global Rundown Poor water quality means the majority of groundwater in the basin stretching across northern India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal is unfit for human use. The period in time since humans began significantly altering the planet should be officially recognized as a new geological epoch, called the Anthropocene, according to an expert working […]


The Stream, August 25: Human Environmental Footprint Increases, But At A Slower Rate

The Global Rundown The environmental effects of global agricultural development, expanding cities, and growing industries are still increasing, but at a slower pace than population and economic growth, according to a new study. Conflicts and instability in North Africa and the Middle East have damaged water, sanitation, and health systems, contributing to a decline in […]


The Stream, August 16: Watersheds Of Major Asian Rivers Threatened By Mining

The Global Rundown Forests in the watersheds of the Mekong, Salween, and Yangtze rivers are disappearing due to illegal mining in China’s Yunnan province, a Greenpeace report found. Conservationists in Western Australia worry a proposed uranium mine could pollute water supplies. Tests show Canada’s North Saskatchewan River is now suitable for drinking water after an […]