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1449 search results for: china, water


Beijing Under Water

Having recently returned from China, reporter Nadya Ivanova just missed flooding in the nation’s capital that killed 37 people and closed airports.


The Stream, July 25: An Atlas of World Water Risk

Business An ‘new gold’ for the 21st century, banking on scarcer supplies and an exploding global population to drive demand, MarketWatch reported. North America The Premier of British Columbia has said that the Alaska’s proposed Pebble Mine, which could pollute one of the last pristine wild salmon fisheries in the world. A Mexican town is […]


The Stream, July 24: Beijing Under Water

Floods Almost two weeks after the devastating floods in southern Russia that claimed the lives of 171 people, three Russian officials have been detained on charges of negligence in their official duties, according to The New York Times. Beijing officials are also facing criticism from citizens and the media over their handling of the heavy […]


Droughts Hit World’s Agricultural Regions: Without Water, U.S. Corn Crop Faces Setbacks

Droughts have struck food-producing regions in the United States, Russia, China, North Korea, and South Korea, raising the prospect of higher commodity prices and localized food shortages. Photo courtesy of cindy47452 via Flickr Creative Commons A drought in the Midwest United States threatens what could be a record corn crop. U.S. farmers planted 39 million […]


The Stream, July 11: Tensions High in Israel and Lebanon Over Water

Tensions have heightened between Israeli and Lebanese troops near the site of a tourist center being built on Lebanon’s side of the Hatzbani River, which Israel fears will be used to divert water,The Jerusalem Post reported. 9.5 billion metric tons of sewage, approximately 76 percent of the total amount generated in China’s Guangdong province in […]


The Stream, June 27: Costa Rica’s ‘Green Economy’ Works for Water

The Guardian explores how Costa Rica has implemented a green economy, which places a monetary value on ecosystem services, to protect resources like forests and water. Officials in Mumbai have warned that water rationing will likely occur after July 15 due to dwindling water supplies in India’s most populous city, The Times of India reported. […]


U.S., U.K, and China Lead Foreign Land Investments In Agriculture and Finance

GRAIN’s online database is the foundation for much of what the world knows about foreign investments in land. Though the majority of “land grabs” are for agribusiness, other sectors include construction, finance, industry, real estate, and more. Map © Varun Mangla /Circle of Blue Interactive map of “Land Grabs” by country and by sector: The […]


The Stream, June 13: Land Grabs Threaten Africa’s Water

Large-scale foreign investment in Africa’s farmland is a threat to the continent’s water supply and water access, according to a new report from the nonprofit organization GRAIN. The report asserts that the global rush to control agricultural land is also a rush to control water resources. Rivers The world’s ten most populous river basins, most […]