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968 search results for: flood india


The Stream, June 14: Japan Cities Urged To Privatize Water As Costs Mount

The Global Rundown Japan’s government is encouraging cities to privatize their water systems to address the growing cost of replacing old water and sewage pipes. Officials in Pakistan say construction could soon begin on a massive hydropower dam in the Indus River Basin. A report alleges several large clothing brands source materials from factories that […]


The Stream, May 31: Record Harvests In Southern Africa Unlikely To Help Drought-Hit East

The Global Rundown Plentiful rain and record corn crops in southern Africa are unlikely to ease food shortages in drought-hit East Africa due to trade barriers. The World Health Organization criticized the global tobacco industry for perpetrating environmental damage. Scientists found that groundwater springs in Africa’s Rift Valley likely shaped human evolution and dispersal. Monsoon […]


The Stream, May 18: China Water Quality May Benefit From New U.S. Trade Deal

The Global Rundown Water pollution from China’s agricultural sector could decline if imports of U.S. meat increase under a new trade deal. Scientists believe a newly discovered reservoir of hot water below New Zealand could provide a substantial source of geothermal energy. An anti-corruption investigation into New Delhi’s water tanker scandal is reaching the capital’s […]


The Stream, May 8: Delhi Water Minister Ousted Amid Controversy

The Global Rundown Government officials in India fired the Delhi water minister — a move he claims was politically motivated. The head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recused himself from legal cases involving the Clean Water Rule. Flooding in Quebec has affected more than 100 Canadian cities in the past week. Residents of Bengaluru, […]


The Stream, April 24: Military Action Threatens Somalia Drought Response

The Global Rundown Potential military interventions against the al-Shabaab group in Somalia would be detrimental to drought and famine relief efforts, according to a United Nations representative. India plans to build more artificial glaciers to make up for the loss of ice in the Himalayas. Scientists surveying Antarctica found much more meltwater than they previously […]