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1030 search results for: Colorado River


The Stream, December 14: Water Situation ‘Critical’ in Bulawayo

Water Shortages A severe water shortage in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe’s second largest city, has officials seeking $82 million to implement mid-term solutions and warning that water rationing could continue well into 2013, News Day reported. Declining rainfall and a growing population in the region have contributed to the shortage. Dry conditions in Texas are stoking tensions […]


The Stream, December 10: U.S. Intelligence Analysts: Water, Food, Energy Shortages Will Transform World by 2030

Shortages in water, food, and energy comprise one of four “megatrends” that U.S. government intelligence analysts said would cause radical economic and political changes in the next 18 years. The other trends, Bloomberg reported, include the United States’ fade from dominance, the rising power of individuals over the state, and a booming middle class. U.S. […]


Federal Water Tap, November 19: Water Infrastructure Financing Bills in the Senate

Senator Jeff Merkley, an Oregon Democrat, introduced legislation that would set up a federal water infrastructure financing program modeled after a program that provides low-interest loans for transportation projects.The Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) would give priority to water and wastewater projects of national or regional significance, covering a gap in existing federal […]


The Stream, November 15: Water Supply and Quality Woes in California

Dozens of unincorporated communities in California’s Central Valley have lived for decades with contaminated drinking water — it is a constant concern. Pollutants from chemical fertilizers to pesticides, The New York Times reported, seeped into the groundwater and into taps, boosting nitrate levels to unsafe heights in 20 percent of small public water systems in […]


The Stream, November 12: U.S. and Mexico Near Water-sharing Agreement on Border

The United States and Mexico are nearing an agreement on water-sharing rights for the Colorado River south of the U.S.-Mexico border. The talks remain delicate, the Associated Press reported, as final documents are reviewed by 15 water agencies and state officials. Paying for Runoff A regional water board in Los Angeles, California approved storm-water regulations […]


Federal Water Tap, November 12: Post-election Government Back In Action: Tar Sands, Climate Change, and Coal Ash

The Bureau of Land Management will open some 274,000 hectares (677,000 acres) of public land in three Western states for oil shale and tar sands research, development and demonstration leases, according to a broad federal environmental review. Companies must submit an application to explore on these lands, which, unlike for oil and gas leases, will […]