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1030 search results for: Colorado River


More Lakefront Property Coming to Georgia

The state doles out the first tranche of loans for reservoir construction. Other states are looking in the same direction. Lake Lanier, one of Georgia’s largest reservoirs and the primary source of drinking water for metropolitan Atlanta, shrank considerably during the 2007-08 drought. These two photos were taken from the same spot, almost a year […]


The Stream, July 23: Looking Ahead As U.S. Drought Persists

The U.S. drought could last through October, prolonged by potential El Niño conditions, according to Reuters and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Prediction Center. Corn and soybean prices have reached record highs, with corn at more than $8.07 a bushel and soybeans up to $17.49, threatening a “world food crisis” if conditions persist, UPI […]


The Birth of a Drought Report: Behind the Scenes with the People Who Produce the U.S. Drought Monitor

Drought blankets much of the United States. Each week, hundreds of scientists interpret how bad it really is. Image courtesy US Drought Monitor Since 1999, the U.S. Drought Monitor has provided a weekly snapshot of dry conditions, using a numerical rating system like those for tornadoes and hurricanes. Ten authors from federal and academic research […]


Federal Water Tap, June 25: Sea Level Rise in the United States

Two reports from federal research agencies suggest that sea-level rise along the coastal United States will happen quicker and surge higher than the global average. Combined with storm surges and tidal fluctuations, higher seas increase the flood risk for billions of dollars of property, as well as vital infrastructure such as roads, power stations and […]


Federal Water Tap, May 28: Water, Snow and Fire

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced that a pollution permit, called a NPDES permit in the lingo, will not be necessary for stormwater coming from logging roads. The agency will continue to study the best way to reduce sediment runoff from what it calls “a relatively small subset” of roads that affect stream quality. Powder […]


Forecasting Western U.S. Water Supply in 2012: La Niña Again Delivers a Wet North and a Dry South

As water availability data starts coming in, this year’s water allocations and the potential consequences for irrigation, hydropower, wildfires, and flooding are being assessed — La Niña weather patterns have returned this year, but water supply conditions generally are not as extreme as they were 2011.


The Stream, April 18: Water Conflicts In Western U.S.

Irrigators in Texas and New Mexico are unhappy with a decision by the International Boundary and Water Commission to release reservoir water to Mexico, the Associated Press reported. The U.S. farmers wanted to delay the annual water release in order to cope with drought later in the growing season, but Mexican farmers, who are dealing […]


The Stream, April 16: Droughts in China and the United States

The Murray-Darling Draft Plan The Murray-Darling River Basin draft plan is likely to trigger another round of legal arguments over state water entitlements, according to Adelaide Now. The states of New South Wales and Victoria have rejected the plan — which recommends returning 2,750 gigaliters of water a year to the river system — arguing […]


Water Rights: Arizona Senators John Kyl and John McCain Meet With Navajo Nation Leaders

Decades in the making, a Navajo-Hopi water rights settlement faces grassroots opposition, as tribe members fear the proposed settlement gives away too much and promises too little. By Brett Walton Circle of Blue Today, Arizona’s U.S. senators will meet behind closed doors with the president of the Navajo Nation and members of the Navajo Nation […]