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1105 search results for: australia


The Stream, November 20: European Commission Targets Greece Over Wastewater

The Global Rundown The European Union’s executive body is pursuing fines against Greece for the country’s failure to address wastewater treatment problems. Poor conditions in a South Sudan refugee camp are leading to sickness, and rainstorms in Kenya are clogging a major East African trade route. Kiribati’s president continued to call for a global moratorium […]


China’s Early Pivot Away From Carbon

World’s largest coal consumer’s big challenge to lower climate-changing emissions. Photo by Keith Schneider / Circle of Blue Though economic expansion is slowing in China, the country is still growing over $US 700 billion annually, almost twice the growth increase in the United States. Demand for energy to build and operate mammoth residential housing projects […]


The Stream, November 12: El Nino One of Three Strongest On Record

The Global Rundown El Nino is now one of the three strongest on record after water temperatures in areas of the Pacific Ocean reached their highest level in six months. The weather phenomenon is exacerbating dry, hot conditions in Johannesburg, South Africa, which recorded its hottest day ever this week. Government and business leaders met […]


El Nino Droughts Take Toll in Africa, Asia, and the Pacific

Millions of people from Australia to Ethiopia are facing water shortages, failed harvests, and food insecurity. Image courtesy International Research Institute for Climate and Society / Columbia University El Nino weather events disrupt rainfall patterns around the world. In general, Asia and Australia become drier during El Nino while North America becomes wetter.Click image to […]


The Stream, November 3: India Investigates Punjab Groundwater Contamination

The Global Rundown A study ordered by India’s National Green Tribunal will investigate the cause of groundwater pollution in areas of Punjab state. Saudi Arabia plans to more than double water prices for industrial and commercial users, inadequate investment in South Africa’s water infrastructure could lead to ‘water shedding’, and a series of grants and […]


The Stream, November 2: Biggest Threat to India Economy is Climate Change, Government Official Says

The Global Rundown Erratic monsoon patterns brought on by climate change are the biggest threat to India’s economy, a government finance minister said. South Africa declared disaster areas in two of its nine provinces due to drought, and California fined four water utilities for failing to meet state water conservation requirements. Insurance companies in Australia […]


The Stream, October 30: Malawi Hydropower Declines By Two-Thirds

The Global Rundown Low water levels in Lake Malawi are significantly cutting hydropower production on Malawi’s largest river, wells are going dry in northern India as groundwater levels drop, and Chinook salmon are declining in California’s Sacramento River as the state’s drought continues. Areas of several major cities in China performed poorly on a government […]


The Stream, October 22: Asia Contends With Growing Dengue Fever Problem

The Global Rundown Urbanization and flooding are two factors driving an increase in dengue fever cases in Asia, while low water levels and contaminated wells have been blamed for an outbreak of cholera in Iraq. Perth, Australia, is sinking due to groundwater withdrawals, and Cameroon’s largest city is increasing its efforts to harvest rainwater. The […]