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927 search results for: sanitation


Saturated In Blue

Joanne Yao, a summer intern with Circle of Blue, reflects on the wet world around her in Traverse City, Michigan. Photo courtesy of Joanne Yao / Circle of Blue Waves crash against metal barriers in Lake Michigan at the Point Betsie Lighthouse in Frankfort, Michigan. Lake Michigan, the only one of the Great Lakes located […]


The Stream, August 21: China Reluctant to Engage in India’s Water Management Plans

In the fifth round of India-China Strategic Dialogue, India pressed for an inter-governmental body to deal with water issues between the two nations, only to be met with a “less than enthusiastic” response from China, The Economic Times reported. Concerned over its neighbor’s ongoing dam production, India hopes for greater cooperation in the use of trans-border […]


The Stream, July 30: Massive Investment Needed for South Africa’s Water

Africa South Africa will need an investment of $US 71 billion over the next 10 years to supply enough water to meet growing demand, Bloomberg News reported. The country needs the money to update its water infrastructure, including sanitation and irrigation projects. Much of the money being spent on European Union-backed water and sanitation projects […]


The Stream, June 26: Netherlands Using Big Data to Manage Water

Floods The Netherlands’ new ‘Digital Delta’ project, headed by IBM, will collate vast and currently disparate data sets in order to better manage water resources in the country, The Wall Street Journal reported. The 1-year project aims to improve flood prediction and response, but will also provide an information “platform” for water entrepreneurs and scientists. […]


The Stream, June 20: Assessing Water-Energy Relationships in Jordan

Water and Energy To improve decision-making about water and energy, researchers at Harvard University’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs have developed a method for analyzing links between countries’ water and energy resources, as well as the institutions and stakeholders that manage these resources. Their study, which applies the method to Jordan, was published […]


The Stream, June 13: Dirty Water Contributes to Child Malnutrition

Unclean water and poor access to sanitation could be major factors behind malnutrition, according to new research, Bloomberg News reported. Repeated exposure to pathogens can diminish the effectiveness of the intestines, making it difficult for children to take in nutrients even when they are fed an adequate diet. Water Disputes Texas will not be able […]


The Stream, May 14: Chile Denies Water Deals with Qatar

Chile denied a recent report on deals to export water to Qatar, ABC News reported. The report included a quote by Chilean Ambassador Jean Paul Tarud saying, “Chile has some of the largest fresh water export capabilities in the world.” Public backlash in Chilean social media followed the report. Chile has been suffering from drought […]