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1471 search results for: China


The Stream, November 4: Second Stage of China’s South-North Water Diversion Opens

The Global Rundown China opened the second section of its massive South-North water diversion, while desalination is being considered to save the Middle East’s Jordan River from water diversions. California will need to spend millions just to maintain its current water infrastructure, and India is spending millions to irrigate sugarcane farms. Meanwhile, public opposition is […]


The Stream, September 24: China Ahead of Water Pollution Goals, Government Says

Pollution Emissions of pollutants in China’s waterways, including nitrogen and organic pollutants, have already declined by slightly more than the 2 percent goal set by the government in 2014, Reuters reported, citing government officials. China is also considering an additional $US 326 billion plan to clean up wastewater and restore its lakes and rivers. Drought […]


The Stream, August 6: Water Newest Threat in China Earthquake Zone

China A lake containing 49.6 million cubic meters of water has formed in China’s Yunnan province after an earthquake and subsequent landslides blocked rivers in the region, Reuters reported, citing Xinhua. The lake continues to grow, and 4,200 people have been evacuated to avoid a massive flood if the water breaks through the natural dam. […]


The Stream, July 24: China Establishes Seven Water Trading Markets

China Rules for pilot water trading markets in seven Chinese provinces will be approved by October, Reuters reported. The markets could improve water use efficiency in the country, but some experts have questioned their legality under Chinese law. India India is hoping to forge closer ties with Nepal by offering to help develop hydropower in […]


The Stream, July 7: Researchers Quantify ‘Virtual Water’ Flows in China

Water Scarcity New research has quantified the amount of water being virtually exported from and imported to Chinese provinces, confirming that arid regions are sending huge amounts of water to more water-rich areas in the form of agricultural products, Reuters reported. The research, published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology, found that this imbalance […]


The Stream, April 14: Crowdsourcing Data to Map China’s Water Quality

China A startup program in China, initiated by the company behind the Taobao Marketplace, seeks to create a map of water quality across the country by allowing residents to purchase water quality testing kits and upload the results with their smartphones, Bloomberg News reported. The results will be aggregated in a map that the company’s […]