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1030 search results for: Colorado River


In Colorado River Basin, Groundwater Is Disappearing Much Faster than Lake Mead

Groundwater losses during historic drought equal one and a half times the volume of a full Lake Mead. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue The mineral-stained canyon walls and the plunging water levels at Lake Mead, the nation’s largest reservoir, are the most visible signs of the driest 14-year period in the Colorado River Basin’s […]


Jolted by Reality, Colorado River Water Managers Plan for Persistent Drought

Unprepared for more years of drought, basin states work to preserve Lake Powell. Image via Shutterstock Water managers in the Upper Colorado River Basin want to keep more water in Lake Powell during droughts to preserve hydropower generation and ensure water supplies downstream. Click image to enlarge. By Brett Walton Circle of Blue The severe […]


Ongoing Texas Drought Threatens Supply from Two Reservoirs on Colorado River

With the amount of reliable water in reservoirs shrinking, water agencies set sights on groundwater transfers and more reservoirs. Photo © J. Carl Ganter / Circle of Blue In the morning mist, bare land pokes above the surface of Lake Travis, a reservoir formed by Mansfield Dam on the Colorado River in Texas. Water levels […]


The Stream, March 21: Cities Competing for Colorado River Water

Phoenix and Los Angeles are emblematic of growing municipal-use strains on the Colorado River. Jennifer Pitt, the Environmental Defense Fund’s Colorado River Project director, outlines the conflict in National Geographic and recommended solutions. Research and Reputation A prestigious German research center halted its oil sands environmental work, citing fears that their reputation could be harmed. […]


Runoff Forecast for Colorado River Shrinks in March

Heading into the last weeks of winter, the Colorado River Basin is dry yet again. Even worse, the river flow forecast gets drier every month. Photo © J. Carl Ganter / Circle of Blue Interstate 40 crosses the Colorado River, near Needles, California. Click image to enlarge. The March forecast for the Colorado River Basin […]