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232 search results for: Mekong


The Stream, January 28, 2021: FEMA Plans To Fund Billions Into Climate Disaster Prevention

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN A Biden administration proposal would fund billions of dollars for climate adaptation in the United States. Aid workers in Mozambique warn of Covid-19 spreading through temporary displacement camps after Cyclone Eloise. A mining company in Canada faces charges for violating environmental laws. Residents exposed to PFAS in a North Carolina community’s drinking […]


The Stream, January 26, 2020: Thailand Calls For Environmental, Human Impact Data For Proposed Dam

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN Thailand rejects a technical report for a dam along the Mekong River. The mayor of Baltimore, Maryland will not privatize the city’s water meter system. Cyclone Eloise causes flooding in parts of Mozambique’s second-largest city. One of the United Kingdom’s top climate experts is calling for more preventative measures as climate disasters […]


The Stream, September 29, 2020: A U.K. Coalition Demands End to Sewage Discharge in English Rivers

The Global Rundown A petition to end sewage discharge in the U.K.’s rivers will hit the environment secretary’s desk at the end of the month. Pakistan’s devastating monsoon season wreaks havoc on the nation’s most vulnerable. Ethiopia’s Prime Minister says his country doesn’t intend to use the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam to harm surrounding countries. […]