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75 search results for: U.S. Sugar


Countdown To Rio

Check back with Circle of Blue for the latest news and reports in the lead-up to, during, and after the Rio+20 conference. Make sure to stay tuned during the conference, as well, as we will be continuing our coverage through June 27.


The Stream, July 4: France Bans Fracking

France became the first country to outlaw hydraulic fracking, after French senators voted 176 in favor and 151 against a bill to ban the controversial technique, Bloomberg reported. According to the new law, energy companies that plan to use fracking to produce oil and gas in France will have their permits revoked. A Reuters analysis […]


The Stream, March 29: Kenya Opens Carbon Exchange

Kenya expects to start construction of a 300-megawatt Lake Turkana wind power project by the end of the year, Reuters reports. The project will earn government revenue from carbon credits on Kenya’s newly launched climate exchange platform. European Union The European Union plans to introduce water efficiency targets for member states and industries. The new […]


The Stream, February 3: Australia After the Storm

While a blizzard forced many in the Midwest to hole up in their homes, thousands in northern Australia evacuated ahead of the monster cyclone Yasi that raged Wednesday in the the country’s already waterlogged coastal regions. The damage to crops in Queensland pushed global commodity prices to record highs. And while The Australian published a […]