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84 search results for: nestle


Plumbing WikiLeaks: Saudi Arabia Fears Iranian Nuclear Meltdown and Potential Terrorism to Desalination

Classified cables show that Saudi and U.S. officials believe water supplies along the Persian Gulf are at high-risk for terrorist attacks and possible contamination from nearby nuclear plants. This is the first of a new series that will analyze the water-related U.S. embassy cables published by WikiLeaks.


The Stream, May 12: Agriculture vs. Industry

Though a recent study points to Europe’s abundant shale gas reserves, the government of France is increasingly likely to ban shale gas exploration in the wake of growing domestic opposition to the technique, the Financial Times reports. The Danube River, one of Europe’s major waterways, has dropped to a 100-year low in Austria, forcing shippers […]


Coming Era of Water Scarcity Will Prompt Global Industrial Transformation, According to Survey of International Experts

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Population growth, urban development, farm production, and climate change is increasing competition for fresh water and producing shortages so acute that virtually every industry in the world anticipates sweeping systemic transformation over the next decade in their strategic planning, production practices, and business models.


Congress, Michigan Legislature Asked to Fix Leaks in Great Lakes Compact

It’s been more than a year since eight states agreed to prevent large-scale diversions from the Great Lakes, the most abundant source of clean freshwater on the planet. The passage of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact, completed after ten years of campaigning by public interest organizations, legislative leaders, and governors of both parties, was meant to permanently secure the globally significant storehouse of water contained in the Great Lakes.