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927 search results for: sanitation


The Stream, February 28: Parallel Water Challenges in U.S. and Middle East

California and Israel have similar environments, and therefore similar water-management challenges. From drought to increasing agricultural demand to population pressures, a University of California research fellow wrote at National Geographic, the challenges facing Israel, and Isreal’s responses, offer learning opportunities for California, and others. Dominican Infrastructure Residents on the Dominican Republic’s north-south border should have […]


Rose George

While working as an editor and writer at COLORS Magazine, Rose George was assigned to work on Cacas, a coffee table book featuring photographs of animal and human feces, for which “caca” is slang. Through the project, she discovered Sulabh International, an organization in India that provides public toilets and works to liberate those whose […]


UNICEF Report Has Five Messages for India’s Water Managers

Better water management is necessary for environmental and public health, as well as economic development. Photo J. Carl Ganter/Circle of Blute In Punjab, India, a farmer irrigates his crops by pumping groundwater and flooding channels along the field. Click image to enlarge. By 2050, India’s water demand is forecasted to increase by 66 percent to […]


The Stream, February 12: International Year of Water Cooperation Launches

UNESCOPRESS reported yesterday from Paris where the ceremony launching the International Year of Water Cooperation took place. UN-Water Chair Michel Jarraud emphasized UNESCO efforts “in favor of water diplomacy as an essential instrument of dialogue and cooperation to create a more peaceful world.” Others, including Maude Barlow, Council of Canadians President, warn that the UN […]


Peter Thum

Wine turned Peter Thum to water. While working on a project in South Africa involving two wineries, Thum saw the difficulties that many people experienced just trying to get clean water every day. “I did a bit of research and began to see the size and magnitude of this problem,” he says. So he decided […]


The Stream, February 4: Smart Metering Facing Resistance

Smart water meters—digital meters that measure usage and transmit data wirelessly—are coming under fire from opponents across the U.S. They argue that high up-front costs and more accurate readings will push water utility rates up, USA Today reported, without any lasting benefits for most. Water as Power Every gallon of fuel pumped into cars requires […]


Vessela Monta

“We cannot say that rain is not interesting just because we can dig wells,” says Vessela Monta, a civil engineer by trade who began working with the International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance (IRHA) in 2002. Some resources — like the availability of harvestable rainwater — get forgotten when discussing sustainability, but not to Monta. She points […]


The Stream, January 25: No Water for Timbuktu

Africa Water service, as well as electricity and phone service, has been cut in Timbuktu, the latest casualty of the ongoing conflict in Mali, CNN reported. The Azawad National Liberation Movement (MNLA), a group active in northern Mali that opposes the government, blamed the outages on “terrorist” sabotage. Following a devastating drought in 2009, pastoral […]


Water News: What’s Ahead in 2013

Drought, water disputes, debates about energy development — “more of the same” is what to expect this year. Photo © Aubrey Ann Parker / Circle of Blue In the waning days of 2012, India’s state governments approved a plan for the federal government to tackle a new national water policy to regulate the use of […]