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1471 search results for: China


The Stream, September 15: California Snowpack Was Lowest in 500 Years

The Global Rundown Scientists found that the snowpack in California this year was the lowest in half a millennium. Australia’s Senate voted to cap environmental water buybacks in the Murray Darling Basin, China reported improvements in curbing air and water pollutants, and low hydropower reserves in Zambia contributed to announcements of job cuts in the […]


The Stream, September 15: California Snowpack Was Lowest in 500 Years

The Global Rundown Scientists found that the snowpack in California this year was the lowest in half a millennium. Australia’s Senate voted to cap environmental water buybacks in the Murray Darling Basin, China reported improvements in curbing air and water pollutants, and low hydropower reserves in Zambia contributed to announcements of job cuts in the […]


The Stream, August 31: Chinese Officials Discuss Measures to Curb Water Pollution

The Global Rundown China’s top executive body addresses drinking water pollution. A grandiose engineering project in India faces delay. Cuba, in a drought, will shoot chemicals into clouds, to induce rain. Alaska’s glaciers are getting baked. Infrastructure is an emerging issue in Canada’s national election. “This election is a clear choice between smart investments that […]


The Stream, August 10: New Zealand Announces End of Coal Power

The Global Rundown New Zealand plans to close its coal-fired power plants and transition almost entirely to renewable energy sources. Acid mine drainage is a persistent pollution problem in the western United States, and protesters in Brazil continue to pressure Rio de Janeiro to clean up its Olympic waters. Turkey completed the undersea portion of […]


The Stream, July 13: Major Sea Level Rise Still Likely, Study Finds

The Global Rundown Global seas could still rise well above current levels even if temperature increases are curbed, scientists found. Several people were arrested and water supplies were shut down in Kosovo’s capital city over the weekend, and Typhoon Chan-Hom brought heavy rainstorms to China. North Korea’s drought may be easing, while water rationing is […]