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927 search results for: sanitation


The Stream, September 6: U.S. and Canada Finalize Great Lakes Water Quality

Environmental officials from the U.S. and Canada announced that they are about to sign a negotiated update to the 1987 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. The document “addresses critical health issues in the Great Lakes region,” the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said in a news release. Infrastructure Investment The Egyptian government will spend $US 1.3 […]


The Stream, August 30: More Crop Per Drop

A theme of food and water waste reduction, especially in agriculture, characterizes a large number of speeches and events as World Water Week in Stockholm continues, according to Environmental News Service. Hurricane Isaac is not on track to hydrate drought-stricken areas in the Midwest, contrary to many farmers’ hopes. Instead, it may saturate and ruin […]


The Stream, August 29: Arctic Ice Reaches Record Low

With a few weeks still left in the annual melt season, Arctic sea ice cover has already diminished to the lowest area on record, covering 4.10 million square kilometers (1.58 million square miles), AlertNet reported. Hurricane Isaac, which made landfall near New Orleans yesterday night, could dredge up as much as 1 million barrels of […]


The Stream, August 27: Water Versus Carbon

Technology Desalination technologies are expanding as freshwater scarcity rivals carbon emissions as a major environmental hazard, and the industry is expected to be a $US 17 billion business within the next five years, according to Bloomberg. A report by the International Water Management Institute has proposed low-cost, small-scale irrigation strategies for farms in South Asia and sub-Saharan […]


The Stream, August 23: The Struggle for Safe Drinking Water

This photo slideshow demonstrates the effects of coal extraction on water, vegetation and lifestyles in northwest China. A recent report from Greenpeace speaks out against the expansion of coal bases in the region, according to the Guardian. Safe Drinking Water Algal blooms are spreading in South Korean rivers. Although the cause of the blooms is up for […]


The Stream, August 16: When Wells Run Dry

U.S. Drought Continues The drought has literally hit home in the rural Midwestern United States, where some citizens are turning on their faucets to find their wells have dried up, The Associated Press reported. The Missouri government will subsidize the drilling of new wells for more than 3,700 farmers and ranchers hit by extreme drought, […]


Clean, Affordable Water is a Problem in This Country

While almost everyone in the United States has clean, reliable drinking water, some people are left behind. And with the economy as it is and the cost of infrastructure going up, more may struggle in the future. “Inadequate access to drinking water” is a clinical phrase that appears in official statements and in United Nations […]


The Stream, August 13: Expected Crop Yields Plummet While Prices Climb

Food prices This summer’s drought in the United States will cause corn yields to drop 17 percent compared to 2011, according to a new report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Consequently, the USDA expects corn prices to rise 39 percent to $8.90 per bushel. Soybean supplies and prices will face similar consequences, The Wall Street […]


Brian McSorley

Brian McSorley, Oxfam’s humanitarian coordinator, promotes water, sanitation, and hygiene programs in Northern Kenya. This includes Dadaab refugee camp, where 88,000 people rely on Oxfam to provide facilities. “Water keeps us alive. But get too little, or too much, or the wrong kind, and results can be catastrophic — drought, floods, crop failure, children dying […]