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1105 search results for: Australia


World Stands By As Algae and Dead Zones Ruin Water

Expensive research and cleanup efforts make little headway. Photo courtesy Greenpeace China via Flickr Creative Commons An algae bloom spreads across China’s Dianchi Lake in 2007. That same year, a bloom in Lake Taihu made the water undrinkable for 2 million people in Wuxi.Click image to enlarge. By Codi Kozacek Circle of Blue Decades of […]


The Stream, August 20: Structural Problems Threaten Iraq’s Mosul Dam

Iraq’s Mosul Dam, the largest in the country, is back under Iraqi and Kurdish control, but potential delays in maintenance during the fight over the dam have raised concerns about its structural integrity, Reuters reported. The dam has long needed almost constant maintenance due to flaws in its foundations, and a complete breach could flood […]


The Stream, August 18: Himalaya Floods Hit Northern India

India At least 28 people have died and 1,500 communities have been flooded in northern India’s Uttar Pradesh state following heavy rainstorms in the Himalayas, Reuters reported. Dams in the mountains are already overflowing and exacerbating the flooding, which is expected to continue with more rain forecast for the region. A break in a major […]


The Stream, August 7: Militants Control Iraq’s Mosul Dam

Iraq Militant forces of the Islamic State have taken over the Mosul Dam in Iraq, the country’s largest dam and a strategic control point that experts say could be used as a weapon, Bloomberg News reported. The group has used dams in the past to flood areas or withhold water and electricity, but so far […]


Record Heat and Loss of Glaciers Mark the Global Climate in 2013

It was business as usual for many climate indicators. Image from State of the Climate in 2013 From flooding in southern Alberta, which was Canada’s costliest natural disaster ever, to the warmest year on record in Australia, many climate milestones were broken in 2013. This map, published in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, […]


The Stream, July 17: Delayed Monsoon Is Bad News for 300 Million Indians

Water Shortages India’s monsoon has so far delivered 36 percent less rain than average, and reservoir levels are below their 10-year averages, according to water officials, Bloomberg News reported. If the monsoon continues to perform poorly and dry conditions are compounded by an El Nino weather event, 333 million people in six states could face […]