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927 search results for: sanitation


The Stream, April 19: Australia’s Water Market

New photos published on the Guardian reveal that early construction work for the controversial Belo Monte dam has already started in the Amazon, despite ongoing legal battles over environmental licenses. And there are already signs of deforestation. Australia’s water market has helped farmers and irrigators in the ailing Murray-Darling River Basin to weather drought and […]


The Stream, April 18: Water Conflicts In Western U.S.

Irrigators in Texas and New Mexico are unhappy with a decision by the International Boundary and Water Commission to release reservoir water to Mexico, the Associated Press reported. The U.S. farmers wanted to delay the annual water release in order to cope with drought later in the growing season, but Mexican farmers, who are dealing […]


Water Rights: Arizona Senators John Kyl and John McCain Meet With Navajo Nation Leaders

Decades in the making, a Navajo-Hopi water rights settlement faces grassroots opposition, as tribe members fear the proposed settlement gives away too much and promises too little. By Brett Walton Circle of Blue Today, Arizona’s U.S. senators will meet behind closed doors with the president of the Navajo Nation and members of the Navajo Nation […]


The Stream, April 4: Water and Politics in South America

Under a new law, mining and oil companies in Peru will be required to hold talks with local communities about the effects of natural resource extraction on the environment and water supplies, Reuters reported. The law stops short of giving communities the power to veto potential projects. Venezuela’s President Hugo Chávez faces criticism from within […]


The Stream, April 3: Mega Water Projects in Asia

India’s proposed mega project to link more than 30 rivers and divert waters from wet to dry areas has triggered worries in neighbouring countries, according to the BBC. Energy-hungry Nepal has approved the China Three Gorges Corp.’s controversial $US 1.6 billion hydropower project after the Chinese state-owned company threatened last month to withdraw its investment, […]


The Stream, March 15: On Weather Extremes, Land Grabs and Nuclear Power

Climate Change Australia should brace itself for higher temperatures and more weather extremes, such as intense rainfalls and droughts, according to a government report. The more chaotic weather will be an especially big challenge to miners and farmers, who are already building bigger holding dams for flood waters and altering cropping practices. About 3.7 million […]


Q&A: Ben Braga on the 6th World Water Forum

Ben Braga, the president of the International Committee for the 6th World Water Forum and the vice president of the World Water Council, talks with Circle of Blue about the Forum next week, the Rio+20 Summit in June, and the solutions to the world water crisis.


The Stream, March 7: Australia Floods Stir Murray-Darling Debate

Extensive flooding in Australia makes the need to implement a new Murray-Darling Basin water management plan less urgent, argued the Water Minister of New South Wales, who called for delayed action on the reforms, according to The Australian. Two billion people gained access to safer drinking water between 1990 and 2010, meeting an international Millennium […]


The Stream, February 29: Water Struggles At Fukushima

Asia Water is essential for keeping Japan’s damaged Fukushima nuclear plant safe, where hundreds of thousands of gallons are used every day to cool reactors, but containing the 10,000 tons of contaminated water leaked each month is becoming a challenge, The Wall Street Journal reported. Thailand will spend almost $US 1 billion to regenerate forests […]