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1030 search results for: Colorado River


The Stream, November 4, 2021: Colombia’s Plan To Protect Land Will Improve Water Security, Experts Say

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN A federal agency in the United States decides against allowing a controlled flood in the Grand Canyon, which would have helped rebuild beaches and sandbars amid ongoing drought. An Irish environmental watchdog releases a scathing report, finding that the country’s major water utility isn’t doing anything to stop sewage pollution in rivers […]


The Stream, June 18, 2021: Study Finds Widespread Pesticide Contamination In German Streams

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN A new study finds pesticide contamination in streams in Germany is widespread. In the United States, drought is diminishing hydropower generation in California, forcing ranchers in Colorado to sell off cattle, and contaminating water supplies in Iowa. Pakistan’s supreme court upheld the government’s decision to demolish thousands of homes blamed for flooding […]


The Stream, March 24, 2021: Australia Inundated With Record Rainfall

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN Millions of Australians are affected by record rainfall and flooding. Two Colorado utilities will test the feasibility of a controversial reservoir in the state’s Western Slope. An Alaskan construction company and the EPA reached a settlement over violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act. The United States and Ethiopia hold talks over […]


The Stream, March 9, 2021: Carbon-Negative Crops Could Lead to Mass Water Shortages

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN New research finds that growing more carbon-negative crops could cause water shortages for billions of people globally. The Canadian government isn’t tracking water-related illnesses in First Nations communities. Environmental officials in West Virginia investigate acidic discharge from a former mine complex. Egyptian and Sudanese officials agree to resume talks with Ethiopia over […]


The Stream, February 4, 2021: Trump-Era Oil Permits Could Contaminate Drinking Water In New Mexico

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN Drilling projects in New Mexico could contaminate drinking water supply. Decades of data on water flows in New South Wales prompt conversations about water use and storage. A proposal to remove methane from dormant coal mines in North Fork Valley, Colorado could also protect water for local farmers. Sudan is warning against […]


The Stream, December 11, 2020: Key German Shipping Route Threatened By Low Water Levels

GLOBAL DAILY WATER NEWS Low water levels along Germany’s Rhine river threatens one of the country’s most important shipping routes. New documents cast doubt on the environmental safety of plans to transform coal mines into manmade lakes in Australia. A new study finds that arsenic in water disproportionately affect small, Hispanic communities in the United […]