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2018 search results for: India


HotSpots H2O: Floods, Sanctions, and Shortages Deluge Iran

The Trump administration announced last week that it will no longer provide sanction exemptions to countries importing oil from Iran, a move that could hurt Iran’s economy and impair its capacity to respond to devastating floods that rampaged through the county just weeks ago. Iran’s oil exports have already fallen by half since the U.S. […]


What’s Up With Water – Nitrates in Private Wells

Mozambique has suffered two massive cyclones in five weeks, an unprecedented occurrence according to weather experts at the United Nations. An Amnesty International official told the BBC the cyclones were “exactly what climate scientists warned would happen if we continue to warm our planet beyond its limits.” The official stressed the injustice of Mozambique residents […]


The Stream, April 26: Strongest Cyclone Ever to Hit Mozambique Makes Landfall

The Global Rundown Cyclone Kenneth, the strongest cyclone ever to hit Mozambique, makes landfall. Water plays a key role in India’s sprawling general election. Ongoing flood conditions in the midwestern United States stall fertilizer shipments. Wildfires break out in parched areas of Europe. Despite assurances that the water in Flint, Michigan, is safe, many residents […]


Federal Water Tap, April 22: In Reversal, EPA Excludes Groundwater Pollution from Clean Water Act Permitting

The Rundown The EPA says that all groundwater pollution is excluded from Clean Water Act permitting, even if it eventually flows into regulated waters. President Trumps signs a bill authorizing a Colorado River conservation plan, while a water rights settlement introduced in the Senate would allow more water to be withdrawn upstream in the basin, […]


The Stream, April 18: Colorado Drought Plan Hit by Lawsuit Just As Trump Signs Off

The Global Rundown California’s Imperial Irrigation District sues over its exclusion from the Colorado River drought contingency plan just as President Donald Trump signs off on it. Farmers suicides are on the rise in India’s drought-stricken Maharashtra state. States provide mixed feedback during a public comment period on revisions to the Water of the United […]


Federal Water Tap, April 15: Trump Energy Order Targets State Water Permitting Authority

The Rundown President Trump hopes to boost construction of energy infrastructure projects. The Senate confirms David Bernhardt to lead the Interior Department. Congress approves a Colorado River basin conservation plan. The Army Corps’ management of Missouri River reservoirs comes under the microscope. The USDA releases its census of farm data. Federal officials prepare a trade […]


The Stream, April 12: Cities Worldwide Are Using Massive Amounts of Rural Water Supplies

The Global Rundown A new international study finds that 16 billion cubic meters of water are pulled from rural areas to serve growing urban populations. Brazil says it will file criminal charges against mining company Vale following a January tailings dam collapse. Thousands of government-subsidized housing units lie in U.S. flood plains. Rice prices fluctuate […]