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1471 search results for: China


The Stream, November 19: South Africa to Conduct “Water Raids” Targeting Illegal Withdrawals

The Global Rundown Authorities in South Africa are cracking down on illegal water withdrawals, while desperate villagers in China hope their government doesn’t catch them in the act of illegal well drilling. Vietnam has completed an impressive leak-reduction project, Chile has added a new desalination plant, and the Nature Conservancy is encouraging natural water management. […]


The Stream, November 17: Detroit Will Continue Water Shutoffs Through Winter

The Global Rundown Detroit will continue shutting off water for unpaid accounts through the winter, while Iowa may set restrictions to protect an important aquifer. China is spending billions to prevent oil pipeline disasters, India is brainstorming how to conserve water, and Seattle is looking at green infrastructure to save fish. Italy is struggling with […]


Federal Water Tap, November 17: New Data Reveals Significant Shifts in U.S. Agriculture

The Rundown U.S. irrigation moves east and increases its efficiency. A climate deal with China includes water-energy research, while Senate Energy Committee passes water-energy legislation. The Obama administration pledges $US 3 billion for a green climate fund. The Senate prepares for a Keystone XL vote. California hopes to pipe desalinated water from Mexico. A New […]


Earth Pushes Back

Era of indifference greets droughts, floods, storms, tsunamis. Photo © Keith Schneider / Circle of Blue India’s policy of free water and free energy to farmers is draining groundwater reserves, polluting air and rivers, and generating economy-weakening brownouts with millions of electric water pumps that irrigate rice and wheat crops so big they rot in […]


The Stream, November 3: IPCC Report Urges Climate Change Action Now

The Global Rundown The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is urging the world to take action now. Climate change is being linked to floods and water scarcity in Pakistan, sinking cities in Southeast Asia, and pushing back progress on waterborne diseases in China. A lack of clean water and sanitation is threatening babies in Tanzania, […]


The Stream, October 27: Ecosystem Shift in Tibet Threatens Asia’s Water

Climate Change Asia, Pacific Climate change, population growth and the intensification of industry and agriculture are threatening important ecosystems on the Tibetan plateau, according to a study by the Kunming Institute of Botany, China Dialogue reported. One of the most important functions of these ecosystems—a function that will likely be diminished by the changes— is […]


The Stream, October 22: Cash-Strapped Zimbabwe Taxes Private Water Supplies

Water Pricing Africa Residents of Harare, Zimbabwe, must now pay taxes on private water supplies, Bloomberg News reported. The government, while unable to meet the water needs of residents through a public supply, is still collecting much needed revenue from taxes paid on water deliveries from private companies.  Water Technology Middle East, North America, South […]


The Stream, October 13: Sao Paulo Likely to Face Water Cuts

Water Supply Residents of Sao Paulo will likely be facing daily water shutoffs due to a drought that has drawn down water levels in its main drinking water reservoir to just 5 percent of capacity, Bloomberg News reported. The city’s water utility has so far resisted shutoffs, but Brazil’s national regulators say it will not […]