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968 search results for: flood india


The Stream, November 17: Detroit Will Continue Water Shutoffs Through Winter

The Global Rundown Detroit will continue shutting off water for unpaid accounts through the winter, while Iowa may set restrictions to protect an important aquifer. China is spending billions to prevent oil pipeline disasters, India is brainstorming how to conserve water, and Seattle is looking at green infrastructure to save fish. Italy is struggling with […]


The Stream, November 14: Turning the Tides of Privatization

The Global Rundown In the past 15 years, privatized water supplies have been increasingly transferred back to public ownership, and in the past month, France, Italy and Switzerland have been hit hard by floods and landslides. New York says ‘no’ to a desalination plant, and environmental groups say ‘no’ to an expanded tar sands pipeline running […]


The Stream, November 4: Second Stage of China’s South-North Water Diversion Opens

The Global Rundown China opened the second section of its massive South-North water diversion, while desalination is being considered to save the Middle East’s Jordan River from water diversions. California will need to spend millions just to maintain its current water infrastructure, and India is spending millions to irrigate sugarcane farms. Meanwhile, public opposition is […]


Earth Pushes Back

Era of indifference greets droughts, floods, storms, tsunamis. Photo © Keith Schneider / Circle of Blue India’s policy of free water and free energy to farmers is draining groundwater reserves, polluting air and rivers, and generating economy-weakening brownouts with millions of electric water pumps that irrigate rice and wheat crops so big they rot in […]


The Stream, November 3: IPCC Report Urges Climate Change Action Now

The Global Rundown The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is urging the world to take action now. Climate change is being linked to floods and water scarcity in Pakistan, sinking cities in Southeast Asia, and pushing back progress on waterborne diseases in China. A lack of clean water and sanitation is threatening babies in Tanzania, […]


Showing Off Circle of Blue Colleagues and Reporting in Traverse City

World-changing reporting fresh from northern Michigan. Photo © Keith Schneider / Circle of Blue Circle of Blue’s Choke Point: China project showed how China’s massive energy-consuming urban construction program, like this development in Xian, is producing an urgent a confrontation over water in the dry north, where much of China’s energy is produced. Click image […]


The Stream, September 15: ‘Rivers’ of Water Vapor From Amazon Fail, Bring Drought to Brazil

Drought Vast clouds of water vapor that typically flow from the Amazon rainforest to southern Brazil failed last year, possibly causing the severe drought that is afflicting cities like Sao Paulo, Climate News Network reported. Scientists believe that deforestation in the Amazon basin and climate change are to blame for stopping the flow of water […]