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2304 search results for: Clean Water Act


Federal Water Tap, January 22: BLM Develops Large-Scale Solar Plan to Protect Habitats, Expand Renewable Energy

The Rundown Federal cybersecurity agency publishes a guide for water and wastewater utilities. GAO reports on foreign investment in U.S. farmland. BLM draft review aims to facilitate large-scale solar development in the western states. Senate committee will hold a hearing on the National Flood Insurance Program. EPA begins accepting applications for regional stormwater “centers of […]


Federal Water Tap, December 18: White House Signs Columbia Basin Restoration Initiative

The Rundown EPA proposes water quality standards to protect aquatic life in the Delaware River, and it proposes stricter water pollution limits for slaughterhouses. FEMA releases a report identifying gaps in the nation’s readiness for disasters. EPA submits two PFAS rules – on drinking water and hazard substances – to the White House for review. […]


Federal Water Tap, November 27: Army Corps Signs Agreement for Solar Panels above Tribe’s Irrigation Canal

The Rundown EPA publishes draft guidance for groundwater pollution regulation enabled by a 2020 U.S Supreme Court decision. A Department of Energy lab reports on the state of the U.S. hydropower market. EPA watchdog announces new investigations into underground injection wells and funding for removing lead drinking water pipes. National Weather Service intends to study […]