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316 search results for: solar power


The Stream, February 19: Chicago Sued Over Lead In Drinking Water

The Global Rundown Residents are suing the city of Chicago over actions they say have contaminated drinking water supplies with lead, and a national environmental group is suing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to regulate perchlorate in drinking water. Businesses in Sao Paulo, Brazil are expressing skepticism at the city’s efforts to prevent future water […]


The Most Important Water Stories of 2015

Climate risk and energy development, groundwater and conflict — the political awareness of water grew in 2015. Photo © J. Carl Ganter / Circle of Blue California’s continuing drought emergency was one of the big water stories of 2015. Click image to enlarge. By Peter Gleick Pacific Institute Brett Walton Circle of Blue Water was […]


2015 Biggest Trends: Water Scarcity Rises to Top Global Concern

After a year of deep droughts, worsening pollution, rising sea levels, and floods, water was finally recognized as perilous to nations and the international economy. By Keith Schneider Circle of Blue JOHANNESBURG — In the last days of 2015, the Famine Early Warning System Network, a forecasting tool, reported that the deepest drought experienced by […]


China’s Early Pivot Away From Carbon

World’s largest coal consumer’s big challenge to lower climate-changing emissions. Photo by Keith Schneider / Circle of Blue Though economic expansion is slowing in China, the country is still growing over $US 700 billion annually, almost twice the growth increase in the United States. Demand for energy to build and operate mammoth residential housing projects […]


The Stream, October 2: Financial Downturn Casts Doubt on Nicaragua Canal

The Global Rundown The billionaire who is backing the Nicaragua Canal lost billions of dollars over the summer, prompting some experts to doubt the project’s viability. Zimbabwe announced plans to curb electricity shortages by turning to solar power. Researchers called on countries in water-scarce regions to improve cooperation around water management. Investigators did not find […]


The Stream, October 2: Financial Downturn Casts Doubt on Nicaragua Canal

The Global Rundown The billionaire who is backing the Nicaragua Canal lost billions of dollars over the summer, prompting some experts to doubt the project’s viability. Zimbabwe announced plans to curb electricity shortages by turning to solar power. Researchers called on countries in water-scarce regions to improve cooperation around water management. Investigators did not find […]


The Stream, March 31: Taiwan Delays Water Rationing Thanks to Rainfall

The Global Rundown Taiwan takes measures to respond to low reservoir levels while drought in western India drives farmers out of villages to find seasonal work. Africa’s largest solar-powered water well is installed in a refugee camp. Rice fields in Vietnam are threatened by salt water. And scientists expect deeper droughts for Australia. “They sweat […]