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1471 search results for: China


Himalayas Strike Again: Deadly Landslide in Nepal

Sun Koshi River is blocked, 156 people are dead, and 10 percent of Nepal’s hydropower capacity is cut off. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue The deadliest landslide in Nepal in a decade is raising fresh questions about the country’s ability to use the rivers of the Himalayan range to electrify South Asia. The disaster […]


The Stream, July 28: Coastal Flooding Increasing in United States

Flooding in many coastal areas of the United States has increased since the 1950s, with some places now experiencing flooding once every three months compared to once every one to five years in the past, according to a new study released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Reuters reported. Flood frequency has increased at […]


The Stream, July 22: Drought Strains Food Security in Lebanon

Rainfall has been far below average in Lebanon, leading to water shortages for farmers and a drop in fruit and vegetable production, Inter Press Service reported. As a result, food prices are rising and straining food security for Syrian refugees and border communities in the country. Energy China’s National Energy Administration cautioned regional developers to […]


The Stream, May 23: 100 Injured in Mexico City Water Conflict

Tensions over the expansion of a water system came to a head this week when 100 police were injured in a conflict with residents of a community on the outskirts of Mexico City, the Associated Press reported. The city is attempting to link the community—and its natural spring—to the municipal water supply system, but residents […]


India’s Treacherous Coal Mines in Meghalaya

National court orders end to feudal labor conditions, wanton water pollution, and deadly accidents. By Keith Schneider, Circle of Blue SHILLONG, India – In the coalfields of Meghalaya, a wild and rural state in Northeast India, income and social standing are, quite literally, correlated on a perpendicular scale. In This Series Uttarakhand’s Furious Himalayan Flood […]


The Stream, May 7: California May Reverse Water Flows in Aqueduct

Water Supply Several California water districts that provide water to farms have proposed a plan to reverse water flows in portions of the California Aqueduct later this summer, the Associated Press reported. The plan is expected to cost between $US 1.5 million and $US 9.5 million and would be paid for by the water districts. […]