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2306 search results for: Clean Water Act


Federal Water Tap, April 10: EPA Science Board Reviews ‘Value of a Statistical Life’ Calculation

The Rundown EPA science advisers weigh in on proposed changes to the value of preventing a single death within a large group. The Department of Homeland Security issues an intelligence report on a cyberattack against a U.S. water utility. The U.S. Geological Survey publishes the first national assessment of brackish groundwater in more than a […]


The Stream, April 4: Australia Tightens Drinking Water Standards For PFAS

New federal guidelines in Australia significantly reduce the amount of PFAS, chemicals found in firefighting foam, that are allowed in drinking water. Federal budget cuts in Brazil will reduce science funding by nearly half. Michigan’s budget could feel the effects of the Flint water crisis for a long time, despite a recent settlement agreement. An appeal related to the U.S. Clean Water Rule will continue after the Supreme Court refused to put the case on hold. Record rainfall in parts of Western Australia filled inland lakes and attracted thousands of nesting birds.


Federal Water Tap, April 3: Congress Begins Pushback Against Trump Rural Water Cuts

The Rundown House members will send a letter this week to colleagues asking not to eliminate rural water funding. Trump signs executive order to undo federal climate change action. Representatives introduce bills in Congress on water affordability, infrastructure investment, and Indian water rights. Membership in the bipartisan House climate caucus grows to nearly three dozen. […]


Federal Water Tap, March 27: Two Wins for the Pipeline Industry

The Rundown The Trump administration issues a permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. A U.S. district court rejects lawsuit that claimed that a federal energy regulator is biased toward pipeline industry. An Oroville Dam review board says spillway repairs may not be completed by the next rainy season. A Senate committee holds a hearing on […]


The Stream, March 27: Study Links Zika To Poor Water, Sanitation In Slums

The Global Rundown A new study found that outbreaks of Zika virus in Brazil closely mirror poor conditions in urban slums, highlighting how these communities are at chronic risk from diseases associated with inadequate public services such as water and sanitation. Airstrikes near the Tabqa dam in Syria continue to threaten downstream communities, government officials […]


The Stream, March 22: World Water Day Focuses on Wastewater

The Global Rundown Today is World Water Day, and the theme this year revolves around the challenge — and potential — of wastewater. A report released by the United Nations warns that a quarter of the world’s children will be at risk from water scarcity by 2040, especially those living in the Middle East and […]


Federal Water Tap, March 20: Trump Budget Eliminates Rural Water Infrastructure Program

The Rundown Water and climate programs are among many targets for cuts or elimination. Flint gets a portion of the $US 100 million in federal grants that Congress approved for replacing lead pipes. Louisiana representative questions federal infrastructure spending priorities. New York senators submit legislation to require the EPA to regulate four chemicals in drinking […]


Trump Proposal to Fix U.S. Water Infrastructure Invites Large Role for Private Investors

Private-public partnerships, a potential funding source, are complicated and controversial. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue President Donald Trump, fashioning himself the builder-in-chief, promised to invest $US 1 trillion to make America’s potholed highways, unstable bridges, leaky water systems, strained ports, and brittle levees whole again. The pledge is more a slogan at this point. […]


Federal Water Tap, March 13: EPA Environmental Justice Office Director Resigns

The Rundown A 24-year veteran of the EPA environmental justice office steps down. The Bureau of Reclamation debates the use of treated wastewater in southern Arizona. A Pennsylvania representative asks Congress to fund a health study on chemical contamination from military installations in his district. The EPA needs to better prioritize the cleanup of leaking […]


The Stream, March 10: North Africa Water Scarcity “Urgent” Says FAO

The Global Rundown A sharp decline in freshwater supplies across North Africa and the Middle East requires a “massive response,” according to the director of the Food and Agriculture Organization. Infrastructure across the United States, including water systems, received a D+ grade in a new report card. A water tanker strike in Chennai, the capital […]


The Stream, March 6: 1.7 Million Children Die Each Year From Unsafe Water and Environments, WHO Finds

The Global Rundown Unsafe water, air, and other environmental factors contribute to the deaths of 1.7 million children each year, according to the World Health Organization. The major Sao Francisco River water transfer project in Brazil hit another snag when one of its dams partially collapsed. Sewage and poor treatment continue to hamper water quality […]