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3450 search results for: drought


The Stream, October 8, 2021: Colorado River Basin Tribes Could Lose More Water As Lake Mead Levels Shrink

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN In the American West, Los Angeles begins receiving water from the Colorado River and Colorado River basin tribes could lose more of their already dwindling water supplies.  A major storm water retention project in Detroit, Michigan includes removing tons of soil from a local park.  The impacts of climate change globally could […]


The Stream, October 6, 2021: PFAS Levels Are High In Massachusetts Town’s Surface Water, Report Finds

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN Some residents in a South African municipality stage protests over chronic water outages. Water contamination in a village in India kills six people and puts hundreds in the hospital. A hydrologist in Massachusetts finds PFAS contamination in over 20 local bodies of water. A new report calls for more transparency from Australia’s […]


Federal Water Tap, October 4: Supreme Court Starts October Term with Groundwater Case

The Rundown For the first time, the Supreme Court will hear arguments over a groundwater dispute, in this case between Mississippi and Tennessee. Congress adds $28.6 billion in disaster aid, plus money for drought response and California water projects, to a bill that keeps the federal government operating through December 3. The U.S. Geological Survey […]


The Stream, October 1, 2021: Australia’s Senate Rejects Proposal For New Murray Darling Basin Management Plan

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN In the American West, the long-term impacts of wildfires threaten water supplies and California’s second-largest reservoir reaches record lows. A new report reveals inequality in water infrastructure investment in the United States. Four West African countries sign a first-of-its-kind agreement to manage water in the region’s largest aquifer basin. Flood insurance premiums […]


The Stream, September 30, 2021: Agricultural Practices Do Not Follow EU Water Directives, New Report Says

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN A new report finds that agricultural policies throughout the European Union do not align with water directives. New rice varieties in India could slash water use in half. Toledo, Ohio, announces a water debt forgiveness program. Power outages in China threaten one province’s water supply. A proposed mining project in Michigan’s Upper […]


The Stream, September 29, 2021: Water Rights Battle Continues As Bodies of Missing Yaqui Men Found in Mexico

YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN Remains of five men who belonged to Mexico’s most persecuted Indigenous group were uncovered this week amid centuries-old battles over water rights. The U.S. Department of Energy wants to relax testing for toxic chemicals in waterways around the nation’s most leading nuclear weapons laboratory. Tropical Storm Dianmu is wreaking havoc in parts […]