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968 search results for: flood india


Satellite Data Shows U.S. Water ‘Hotspots’

Scientists who use the GRACE satellite say they need more resources to maximize its usefulness – for predicting floods and droughts. Graphic © J. S. Famiglietti and M. Rodell, Water in the Balance, Science, 340, 1300 (2013). Figure appears as Figure S1 in Supplementary Online Materials. Prepared by Caroline de Linage, UC Irvine and Preston […]


Sequestration Takes a Big Cut from USGS Water Research Programs

Less money means fewer staff positions and fewer research projects at the nation’s universities. Photo courtesy of U.S. Geological Survey. U.S. Geological Survey scientist Jud Harvey is shown sampling the Six-Mile Brook streambed for mercury contamination in Adirondack State Park, New York. By Brett Walton Circle of Blue Two U.S. Geological Survey research programs that […]


The Stream, May 22: Hydropower and the Congo River

Africa Planned hydropower dam projects on the Congo River could generate as much as 40,000 megawatts of electricity, making the Grand Inga system the largest in the world, the Guardian reported. Securing financial backing and buyers for the electricity are still hurdles faced by developers, but the project is gaining momentum. Water levels on Lake […]


The Stream, May 14: Chile Denies Water Deals with Qatar

Chile denied a recent report on deals to export water to Qatar, ABC News reported. The report included a quote by Chilean Ambassador Jean Paul Tarud saying, “Chile has some of the largest fresh water export capabilities in the world.” Public backlash in Chilean social media followed the report. Chile has been suffering from drought […]


The Stream, April 19: Drought-hit Midwest Pummeled by Rains

Drought Relief Farm fields across the Midwestern United States were quenched this week as heavy rainstorms over the central part of the country continued to relieve one of the worst droughts in U.S. history, Reuters reported. Grain prices, which were pushed up to record highs last summer due to the drought-damaged U.S. corn crop, could […]


Sylvia Lee: Water as a Catalyst for Peace

For World Water Day 2013, Skoll World Forum and Circle of Blue asked four of the world’s leading water experts to weigh in. Here is what Sylvia Lee, leader of the water program at Skoll Global Threats Fund, had to say about the potential for cooperation around water.


The Stream, March 15: Disaster Losses Exceeded $100 Billion in 2012

Environmental Threats Natural disasters cost the world approximately $US 138 billion last year, the third consecutive year that economic losses from disasters have exceeded $US 100 billion, AlertNet reported. Floods and droughts accounted for almost 80 percent of disaster victims in 2012. Failure to address environmental threats like climate change, deforestation, air pollution, and water […]