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1471 search results for: China


The Stream, January 6: Water Contamination from Drilling Underestimated

Water Contamination Water pollution caused by natural gas and oil drilling operations may be more common than advertised, with cases confirmed in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and West Virginia, according to an Associated Press review of complaints submitted to the states. The review also found that the states varied greatly in the way they reported possible […]


The Stream, December 30: Dry Middle East Countries Search for Food Security

Food Production Countries like Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which rely heavily on food imports due to a lack of water and arable land within their borders, are shifting their agricultural investments from developing countries in Africa to developed countries in Europe and North America, Reuters reported. Political instability and a backlash over “land grabs” in […]


The Stream, December 27: California Closes in on Driest Year Ever

Water Supply It is likely that California will record its driest year ever in 2013, and dry conditions are expected to continue for the third winter in a row, USA Today reported. The dry conditions are expected to create water shortages for farmers and will increase the risk of large wildfires next year. An article […]


The Stream, December 19: Tropical Forests are Key to Regulating Water Systems, Scientists Say

Water Supply Tropical forests act like sponges that trap water during storms, making them critical to protecting surrounding areas from excessive runoff and flooding, say scientists from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, reported. By looking at changes in land use in Panama, the researchers found that tropical forests are much more efficient at trapping […]


The Stream, December 11: Australia’s Government Removes Murray-Darling From Threatened Ecosystem List

Australia’s federal environment minister will no longer need to evaluate the ecological implications of large development projects for the Murray-Darling River’s floodplains, wetlands and groundwater, the Guardian reported. The federal government’s lower house voted to remove the ecosystem from a list of threatened environments, a status that some members said created unnecessary red tape. Dams […]


The Stream, December 2: Foreign Investment in Water for Australia’s ‘Food Bowl’

Foreign investment is needed to develop dams and irrigation in Australia’s north in order to turn the region into a “food bowl” providing exports for other countries, according to economists, Bloomberg News reported. However, the Australian public is wary of large agricultural investments by foreign companies—deals that many see as giving up control of the […]


The Stream, November 22: Canadian Tar Sand Industry Creates Largest Man-Made Lake District

Pollution The disposal of wastewater created during the mining of bituminous tar sands is a growing problem for Canada’s oil industry, which must store the water in vast reservoirs, and the industry is planning expansions that could turn Alberta into the largest man-made lake district in the world, Bloomberg News reported. Environmentalists worry that the […]


The Stream, November 20: Debate Over Bottled Water Safety

Bottled Water With sales of bottled water in China expected to reach $US 16 billion by 2017, some economists worry that government involvement in the industry may encourage lower safety standards as local authorities compete to attract investment, Business Insider reported. China recently announced reforms aimed at cleaning up its food and water supplies. An […]