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1105 search results for: australia


Federal Water Tap, July 16: Climate Change and U.S. Agriculture

Climate change will have the greatest economic effect on crops in the Midwest’s Corn Belt states, where annual loses could range from US$1.1 billion to US$4.1 billion by 2030. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service used four climate projections, a crop-growth simulation, and a model for predicting how farmers would change their crop […]


Droughts Hit World’s Agricultural Regions: Without Water, U.S. Corn Crop Faces Setbacks

Droughts have struck food-producing regions in the United States, Russia, China, North Korea, and South Korea, raising the prospect of higher commodity prices and localized food shortages. Photo courtesy of cindy47452 via Flickr Creative Commons A drought in the Midwest United States threatens what could be a record corn crop. U.S. farmers planted 39 million […]


The Stream, July 12: Reforms in the UK Water Sector

Flood protection will cost the United Kingdom at least $1.3 billion (£860 million) by 2015, the Guardian reported, citing the U.K. government’s climate change advisers. The experts also warned that instead of maintaining the expenditure needed, the government has been drastically reducing the amount of public money available for protecting householders from floods. Meanwhile, the […]


The Stream, July 3: India’s Looming Food Crisis

Food Millions of tons of grain in India are at major risk at the moment as they are lying in the open, exposed to scorching summer heat and monsoon rains, according to Reuters. This story looks at the country’s rigid regime of subsidies for grain farmers, the lack of storage facilities and the inefficient, broken […]


Julian Cribb

“I’m doing my best to alert people to this perilous situation,” says Julian Cribb, author of The Coming Famine. A longtime science journalist in Australia, Cribb works around the globe, reporting on the increasing shortage of food, water, land, and energy. He says that the situation is the most dire that humanity has ever faced. […]


U.S., U.K, and China Lead Foreign Land Investments In Agriculture and Finance

GRAIN’s online database is the foundation for much of what the world knows about foreign investments in land. Though the majority of “land grabs” are for agribusiness, other sectors include construction, finance, industry, real estate, and more. Map © Varun Mangla /Circle of Blue Interactive map of “Land Grabs” by country and by sector: The […]


Illegal Mining in India Threatens Right to Water

A new report on India’s rampant illegal mining highlights corruption, human rights violations. As I recently wrote in an article about gold, high demand and prices for metals and minerals are creating a global boom in mining that has significant ramifications for water. But while the world’s major mining companies pour money into high profile […]


The Stream, June 15: New Delhi Faces Water Crisis

India’s capital city of New Delhi is facing an increasingly severe water crisis as the nearby state of Haryana refuses to release more water, the Times of India reported. Haryana claims New Delhi is taking more than its share, with much of the water being lost to leaks during transport. Sectarian violence between Muslims and […]