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1105 search results for: Australia


The Stream, April 16: Droughts in China and the United States

The Murray-Darling Draft Plan The Murray-Darling River Basin draft plan is likely to trigger another round of legal arguments over state water entitlements, according to Adelaide Now. The states of New South Wales and Victoria have rejected the plan — which recommends returning 2,750 gigaliters of water a year to the river system — arguing […]


The Stream, April 12: The Murray Darling River Basin Draft Plan

As the consultation period for the draft plan on the Murray Darling River Basin draws to a close this week, a prominent Australian environmental expert said that the proposed plan is a step back from current arrangements. Why is the draft so controversial? Managing India’s water resources sustainably will be a top priority in the […]


The Stream, April 11: Textiles Linked to Polluted Water Discharge in China

Forty-six Chinese and multinational clothing companies are buying textiles from suppliers who are illegally discharging polluted water in China, according to a new report released by five non-governmental organizations, Xinhua reported. Scientists in Israel are worried over low water levels in the Dead Sea, which they believe to be caused in part by increased water […]


The Stream, April 3: Mega Water Projects in Asia

India’s proposed mega project to link more than 30 rivers and divert waters from wet to dry areas has triggered worries in neighbouring countries, according to the BBC. Energy-hungry Nepal has approved the China Three Gorges Corp.’s controversial $US 1.6 billion hydropower project after the Chinese state-owned company threatened last month to withdraw its investment, […]


The Stream, March 27: Uncertain Future for Shale Gas in Poland

Shale gas drilling is off to a disappointing start for investors in Poland, the country thought to have the biggest unconventional gas reserves in Europe, according to Bloomberg News. Explorers in Poland are confronting rising costs, a lack of rigs, tighter environmental rules and shale layers that are harder to drill than expected. China’s biggest […]


The Stream, March 20: Connecting the Dots Between Water Stress and Food Prices

Hydropower and Water Security Two of the world’s biggest energy companies have pledged to measure the economic, social and environmental effects of their big hydropower projects using new voluntary guidelines, according to the Guardian. The building of dams and the increasing water consumption in upstream Afghanistan negatively affects water supply to Iran and could exacerbate […]