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2306 search results for: Clean Water Act


Federal Water Tap, July 5: Florida Senators Tour the Algae Coast

The Rundown Huge bloom of toxic algae on Florida coast send officials looking for quick fixes to chronic problem. Federal science review of nonstick chemicals, sometimes found in groundwater near industrial facilities, finds strong evidence that they damage human immune systems. Clean energy agreement could help Canadian hydropower. Federal dam in Montana without hydropower might […]


The Stream, June 22: Victoria Forests Worth More For Water Than Timber

The Global Rundown The native mountain ash forests of Victoria’s Central Highlands region are more valuable for the clean water they provide than for timber, according to a new report. The first exception to a ban on Great Lakes water diversions was approved unanimously Tuesday, providing water to a Wisconsin city outside of the basin. […]


Federal Water Tap, June 20: House Spending Bill Boosts Drinking Water Funds, Handcuffs EPA

The Rundown More money for drinking water systems in House spending bill but a familiar whipping for the EPA. Congress approves an oil and gas pipeline safety bill. After an environmentalist was murdered, a Georgia representative wants an investigation in Honduras while a Michigan representative expresses concern about a nuclear waste facility proposed in Canada, […]


Federal Water Tap, June 13: Federal Agencies Release Algae Bloom and Dead Zone Forecasts

The Rundown Forecasts for Gulf of Mexico and Lake Erie are for normal dead zones and algae blooms, which is to say that the water pollution is still bad and not close to meeting targets. A Pennsylvania congressman calls for federal investigation of groundwater pollution while California representatives want answers about federal reservoir operations in […]


EPA Review Finds Clean Water Fund Allocations Need Revision

Funds distributed to the states do not match current state infrastructure needs. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue The distribution of federal funds to states for sewer, wastewater, and stormwater facilities reflects neither changes in state population over the last three decades nor the infrastructure needs for utilities to meet Clean Water Act goals, according […]