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1105 search results for: australia


The Stream, February 10: Report Finds Irrigated Agriculture Could Make Northern Australia “Food Bowl” Possible

Water Projects A 2-year federal government study assessing the feasibility of agricultural expansion in northern Australia found that up to 50,000 hectares of crops could be irrigated with water from the Flinders and Gilbert rivers and their tributaries, the Australian reported. The report findings have been challenged by environmental organizations that warn diverting water from […]


The Stream, January 20: Australia’s Government Sells Off Murray-Darling Water

For the first time since 2008, Australia’s government will sell some of its water allocations in the Murray-Darling Basin, making as much as 10 gigaliters available to irrigators, the Guardian reported. The decision has been applauded by drought-hit farmers, but members of the Greens political party worry that the sell-off could damage communities and environments […]


The Stream, December 11: Australia’s Government Removes Murray-Darling From Threatened Ecosystem List

Australia’s federal environment minister will no longer need to evaluate the ecological implications of large development projects for the Murray-Darling River’s floodplains, wetlands and groundwater, the Guardian reported. The federal government’s lower house voted to remove the ecosystem from a list of threatened environments, a status that some members said created unnecessary red tape. Dams […]


The Stream, December 2: Foreign Investment in Water for Australia’s ‘Food Bowl’

Foreign investment is needed to develop dams and irrigation in Australia’s north in order to turn the region into a “food bowl” providing exports for other countries, according to economists, Bloomberg News reported. However, the Australian public is wary of large agricultural investments by foreign companies—deals that many see as giving up control of the […]


The Stream, October 25: Are Australian Bushfires Linked to Climate Change?

Climate Change More frequent bushfires in Australia appear to be the result of higher temperatures and longer dry spells, according to the Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council (AFAC), the Guardian reported. The AFAC, as well as other bureaus and research institutions, previously predicted that bushfires would increase due to climate change, though Australia’s […]


The Stream, September 10: Australia Debates Murray-Darling Water Buy-back Funding

Water Politics Australia’s Coalition party has revealed a controversial plan to cut $650 million from a government buyback program that purchases water to return to the Murray-Darling River for environmental flows, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported. The party says the plan will slow the pace of buybacks, but will still deliver all of the water […]


The Stream, August 20: Campaign Against Coal Seam Gas in Australia

Water Contamination The Lock the Gate alliance in Australia finds that of 43 coal and gas developments that would potentially affect water supplies in the country, only four have had the government’s “water-trigger” assessment applied to them, The Guardian reported. “The states have really let the side down badly on water quality,” said Carmel Flint, campaign coordinator with Lock […]


The Stream, April 25: Australian Groundwater Levels Dangerously Low

Many communities in the Australian outback depend on the Great Artesian Basin, an aquifer deep underground, for regular water supplies. But, if supplies disappear too quickly, The World reported, these communities will be left without their only water source. Perceived Injustice Chileans demonstrated this week against what they called excessive water use by the mining […]