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2741 search results for: energy


The Stream, January 31: Energy Sector’s Demand for Water to Double by 2035

In 22 years, the energy sector will demand twice as much water, driven primarily by booming coal-fired electricity and increasing biofuel production. That’s the central finding of an International Energy Agency projection, National Geographic reported. The total increase in demand is equivalent to four times the volume of the U.S.’s Lake Mead. Measuring Risk, Expecting […]


2012 Was Hot, Dry and Energy-Shifty in the U.S.

The data confirm it. Last year broke records for temperature and precipitation — and the trends continue. National Climatic Data Center It was a hot year. In all, 19 states saw the warmest year on record. Almost every other state had a top-ten warmest year. In the coming days, Circle of Blue will publish its […]


The Stream, December 10: U.S. Intelligence Analysts: Water, Food, Energy Shortages Will Transform World by 2030

Shortages in water, food, and energy comprise one of four “megatrends” that U.S. government intelligence analysts said would cause radical economic and political changes in the next 18 years. The other trends, Bloomberg reported, include the United States’ fade from dominance, the rising power of individuals over the state, and a booming middle class. U.S. […]


The Stream, November 13: U.S., Energy, and Climate Change

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), “by around 2020, the United States is projected to become the largest global oil producer,” according to their World Energy Outlook 2012 report. According to Scientific American, “easier access to more oil and gas could cause a surge in global greenhouse gas emission levels, which could trump recent […]


First Time Key Global Energy Report Highlights Water Constraints of Energy Production

Energy is becoming a thirstier resource, the report states. Photo courtesy Hess Corporation North Dakota is in the midst of a hydrocarbon production boom, as gas and oil developers tap the Bakken Shale. But the boom also is generating civic resistance in the arid region because it requires significant quantities of fresh water. Brett Walton […]


The Stream, October 18: Federal Focus on Water-Energy Nexus

The federal government must improve oversight on the nexus between water and energy, as domestic energy production will likely account for 85 percent of growth in domestic water production. That according to a Government Accountability Office report released this week, The Hill reported, which calls on the Energy Department to oversee water availability and use […]