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1471 search results for: China


The Stream, May 24: Scientists Warn of Global Water Shortages

At a conference in Bonn, Germany, water scientists warned that the majority of the world’s population will be dealing with water shortages within two generations, the Guardian reported. The shortages will affect both developed and developing countries, driven by climate change, over-use and pollution. Natural Disasters The United States could see as many as 11 […]


The Stream, May 15: Chickens and Water Quality

Poultry farms may not be creating as much water pollution as previously thought, according to research that challenges U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standards used to forecast pollution in water systems, USA Today reported. The research could change the implementation of federal programs meant to clean up dead zones in bays and rivers, such as the […]


The Stream, May 6: Planned Chinese Dam Construction Prompts Fears of Relocation, Habitat Damage, and Seismic Activity

Earlier this year, China announced plans to build a series of dams on the Nu River, a Unesco World Heritage site. The dams, The New York Times reported, will force tens of thousands of relocations, could potentially trigger earthquakes, and destroy endangered-fish spawning grounds. Improving Water Management Countries around the world, from Australia to South […]


The Stream, May 3: Safe Drinking Water Threatened in Bangladesh

The salinity of Bangladesh’s water supply is increasing, especially in coastal areas, due to sea level rise and natural disasters like floods and cyclones, according to a World Bank study, AlertNet reported. Families in remote areas sometimes have to walk miles to get safe drinking water. U.S. Water Supply The final measure of California snowpack […]


Study: Plants Play Bigger Role in River Flows Than Previously Thought

Transpiration from plants dominates the terrestrial water cycle. Photo © Z. Lapointe University of New Mexico doctoral student Scott Jasechko collects a water sample from the Santa Fe River near La Bajada, New Mexico. Evaporation from rivers and lakes contributes relatively little to atmospheric water vapor when compared with transpiration from plants, according to Jasechko’s […]


Doha’s Toybox Skyline

An arresting array of architecture alongside a sea burdened by rising concern about how development affects ecological and economic security.