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1030 search results for: Colorado River


Earth Pushes Back

Era of indifference greets droughts, floods, storms, tsunamis. Photo © Keith Schneider / Circle of Blue India’s policy of free water and free energy to farmers is draining groundwater reserves, polluting air and rivers, and generating economy-weakening brownouts with millions of electric water pumps that irrigate rice and wheat crops so big they rot in […]


Big Data Requires Strong Relationships to Improve Farming

To influence water and food systems, the data revolution needs more than billions of bits. Brett Walton analyzes the lessons from last week’s Water for Food Global Conference. Photo © Craig Chandler / University Communication Rod DeBuhr of the Upper Big Blue Natural Resources District, Nebraska, discusses irrigation water use during a recent dry year. […]


Federal Water Tap, September 15: DEA Publishes New Rules for Handling Sensitive Prescription Drugs

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration made final new rules that will help prevent unused medications from contaminating waterways. Pharmacies are now authorized to collect unwanted narcotics, stimulants, and other “controlled substances.” Before, these pills had to be turned over to law enforcement officials. One-day drug collection events have grown in popularity. Clean water advocates are […]


Federal Water Tap, September 1: EPA Criticizes Restoration Plan for California’s Water Hub

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency criticized a $US 25 billion water supply and ecosystem restoration plan for California’s Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, saying that the plan would violate federal Clean Water Act standards for water quality and may not produce the desired habitat improvements. The delta is the largest estuary on the U.S. west coast and […]


Federal Water Tap, August 25: Obama Administration Offers Guidance on Broad Environmental Reviews

In a set of draft guidelines meant to improve federal environmental reviews of new projects and policies, the White House Council on Environmental Quality recommended three circumstances in which broad “programmatic” analyses should be undertaken: 1) before setting national or regional rules 2) before adopting a plan for managing multiple resources 3) before making decisions […]


The Stream, August 6: Water Newest Threat in China Earthquake Zone

China A lake containing 49.6 million cubic meters of water has formed in China’s Yunnan province after an earthquake and subsequent landslides blocked rivers in the region, Reuters reported, citing Xinhua. The lake continues to grow, and 4,200 people have been evacuated to avoid a massive flood if the water breaks through the natural dam. […]


U.S. State Water Plans Are Ready for Review

A year of water planning reaches the halfway point. Three U.S. states with anticipated water supply deficits in the coming decades reached milestones in July in their deliberations on how to meet the demands of cities, farmers, and industries. Arkansas and Kansas submitted draft water plans last week for public review. Later this month Colorado’s […]


Warnings — They Are So Easy To Ignore

An American landslide as a global metaphor. Photo © Keith Schneider / Circle of Blue Six months after a Himalayan flood that may have killed 30,000 people and wrecked Uttarakhand’s hydropower sector, Sonprayag presents heart-rending evidence of the disaster. Click image to enlarge. WASHINGTON, D.C. — Reporting on a righteous disaster, one that unfolds in […]