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1105 search results for: australia


The Stream, February 9: Is Shale Gas a ‘Bridge Fuel’?

A new study into the carbon footprint of shale gas operations adds more fuel to the debate about the technique’s environmental record, the journal Nature reported. According to the report, natural gas operations could leak enough methane to tarnish shale gas’s image as a cleaner alternative to coal. Floods Rivers in Bulgaria and Greece burst […]


The Stream, February 7: Extreme Weather

Weather Extremes Thousands of Australians have been forced from their homes because of floods that have risen to record levels in some areas of Queensland and New South Wales, Reuters reported. While the coal industry is largely unaffected, agriculture and properties are likely to sustain significant damage. Bad weather has gripped much of Europe as […]


The Stream, January 31: Mining and Food Production

Australia’s first law intended to protect prime agricultural land from mining has come into effect in Queensland, ABC reported. Though the law covers about 4 percent of the state’s land, critics say it will only apply to open-pit mining and not cover underground mining, exploration work or coal seam gas (coal-bed methane) production. Australia is […]


The Stream, January 26: The Shale Boom and the Economy

The International Energy Agency will make shale gas recommendations in its upcoming global energy report this fall, Financial Post reported. U.S. Shale Boom U.S. President Barack Obama pushed support for shale gas drilling and clean energy technology in his State of the Union address. Bloomberg gives the highlights. Meanwhile, North Dakota’s shale oil boom has […]


The Stream, January 25: Milk, Arsenic and Mexico’s Water

Arsenic Arsenic is tainting freshwater supplies in Mexico’s Laguna region, the country’s biggest milk producer, as dairy operations, upstream dams and climate change deplete aquifers, AlertNet reported. In Chile, people exposed to high levels of arsenic in their drinking water during the 1950s have a higher risk of cancer despite subsequent contamination control, according to […]


The Stream, January 24: Boosting Food Production

How can the world feed 9.5 billion people, the projected global population in 2050? The Guardian looks at a mix of new, somewhat radical scientific solutions: commercial algae farms, insects, desert greening and meat grown in a lab. Modernising agricultural technology is the key to boosting China’s food output, according to China’s Premier Wen Jiabao, […]


The Stream, January 17: China’s Environmental Litigation

Reuters tells the story of a Chinese “cancer village” that is testing the reach of China’s laws against environmental pollution. Meanwhile, a Beijing-based environmental lawyer looks 10 years back, at a disappointing decade for environmental litigation in China. Did China really intend to create an agricultural colony in Mozambique or make the Zambezi Valley into […]


The Stream, January 13: Water Pollution Looms In Lake Titicaca

Growing urban populations, poor infrastructure and unenforced environmental regulations are contributing to the pollution of South America’s Lake Titicaca, the Guardian reported. The pollution threatens fishing and agriculture in the region. Australians should expect to pay 15 percent more for home insurance as the country’s biggest insurer raises premiums to offset a 40-50 percent cut […]


The Stream, January 11: Investors Tell Companies To Look At Water Security

Companies are not taking water security seriously when preparing their financial projections, according to some investors who fear that supply chains could be severely impacted by a lack of water, Bloomberg News reported. Ports on Lake Victoria are having trouble accommodating boats as water levels continue to drop, falling as much as 5 meters, AlertNet […]