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1471 search results for: China


The Stream, March 21: Cities Competing for Colorado River Water

Phoenix and Los Angeles are emblematic of growing municipal-use strains on the Colorado River. Jennifer Pitt, the Environmental Defense Fund’s Colorado River Project director, outlines the conflict in National Geographic and recommended solutions. Research and Reputation A prestigious German research center halted its oil sands environmental work, citing fears that their reputation could be harmed. […]


The Stream, March 14: Colorado Utilities Limit Municipal Water Use

Colorado residents will face some of the strictest water limits ever this spring and summer, as the state’s largest municipal water providers try to curtail spring and summer watering to two times per week. The restrictions, The Denver Post reported, show how severe the ongoing drought has been in Colorado. Fracking Commentary Two scientists explained […]


The Stream, March 7: Chinese Farmers Fear Drought

Since 2009, regular droughts hit Southwest China in winter, spring and early summer. That pattern has reshaped lifestyles of people in Yunnan province and beyond, China Daily reported, and shifted the kinds of crops that can be planted. Water and Hydraulic Fracturing A manager from Ceres, a sustainability advocacy and consulting group, wrote her latest […]


The Stream, February 27: Water Consumption of Global Food Supply Chains

Food Sustainability A new interactive tool, developed by the nonprofit Oxfam, rates the supply chains of the ten largest global food companies on their performance in areas like water consumption and human rights, The New York Times reported. Oxfam hopes the scorecards will spur consumers to demand more from their favorite food brands. Extreme Weather […]


UNICEF Report Has Five Messages for India’s Water Managers

Better water management is necessary for environmental and public health, as well as economic development. Photo J. Carl Ganter/Circle of Blute In Punjab, India, a farmer irrigates his crops by pumping groundwater and flooding channels along the field. Click image to enlarge. By 2050, India’s water demand is forecasted to increase by 66 percent to […]


The Stream, February 14: Major Water Loss Across Middle East

The Tigris and Euphrates’ river basins lost almost as much water as the Dead Sea from 2003-2007, according to a new study from the University of California, NASA and the National Center for Atmospheric Research. The biggest contributor to the loss, Middle East Online reported, was groundwater pumping, especially from wells that were drilled after […]