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1030 search results for: Colorado River


Reports on Oil Shale Development, Water Infrastructure Financing

Better investing through better information. Ceres, a coalition of businesses, investors and environmental groups, peddles information, particularly about risk. Climate risk, water risk, supply chain risk: no sector goes untouched. Knowledge—and better dissemination of it—is the Boston-based group’s version of the prosperity gospel. Spread the good data, and worthier investments will flow forth. Two recent […]


Water Shortages Trickle Down the Rio Grande

Groundwater is a proven crutch for dry times, but how much weight can it hold? Photo © Brett Walton / Circle of Blue Colorado’s San Luis Valley is pinched by two mountain ranges, the San Juan peaks to the west and the Sangre de Cristo, seen here, to the east. The Rio Grande flows through […]


Parsing the Water Pricing Data

Which cities have the highest rates? And why? Yesterday, Circle of Blue published the 2012 update to our annual water pricing survey. I want to go into greater detail on a few things that did not make it into the story. The survey does not measure an average bill. For that, we would take the […]


In These Dry Times, Groundwater Rescues New Mexico Farmers

Surface water allocations last year were 10 percent of normal, but record levels of groundwater pumping buoyed production in the state’s top agricultural region. Photo courtesy of Daylillyfan via Flickr Creative Commons. Because of years of drought and consecutive La Niña-influenced dry winters, Elephant Butte reservoir on the Rio Grande in southern New Mexico is […]


Federal Water Tap, April 23: Clean Water Act

Clean Water Act Interpretation The Obama administration is mulling regulatory guidance for the Clean Water Act that would reinstate language that was proposed by the George W. Bush administration, but was stymied by opposition from industry groups. Greenwire reports that the new guidance would make a broader claim as to which wetlands and small streams […]


The Stream, April 6: Radioactive Water Leaks Again At Fukushima

Asia Twelve tons of radioactive water leaked from a pipeline and may have reached the sea at Japan’s damaged Fukushima nuclear plant, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said, Bloomberg News reported. The site has suffered repeated leaks, and 100,000 tons of wastewater are still being stored in basements. The World Bank is handing over $US 8 […]


Federal Water Tap, February 27: Water Infrastructure

Pipes on Tap On Tuesday a Senate subcommittee will listen to officials from local governments speak about water infrastructure problems. The mayor of Baltimore, the manager of a water system in suburban Washington, D.C. and the director of an Alabama water association will speak. This is the second time in the last three months that […]


The Stream, February 13: Global Ice Melt

Climate The global ice melt from 2003 to 2010 resulted in enough water to flood the entire United States in a foot and a half of melted ice, according to researchers from the University of Colorado. The U.K. Environment Agency has warned of a potential drought in England this summer after record low rainfall in […]


The Stream, January 12: Water as Business Risk

Next to power shortages, water scarcity will be the next big growth barrier for India’s economy, according to a recent survey by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI). Sixty percent of respondents said that water availability is already impacting their businesses, especially power plants, chemicals, textiles and cement factories. Rising sea […]


The Stream, December 16: Australia’s New Food Bowl

An expansive new irrigation proposal could turn northern Australia into a food bowl, The Australian reported. Water withdrawals for agriculture and mining are putting increasing pressure on the South’s Murray-Darling basin, prompting government officials to look elsewhere. United States Chicago’s Deep Tunnel may not be completed until 2029, despite a recent legal settlement that set […]