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1449 search results for: china, water


The Stream, April 10: Drought-Stricken Israel Plans to Build New Desalination Plants

The Global Rundown Israel plans to build two new desalination plants to combat ongoing drought. A deadly oil spill dirties waterways as it spreads along the coast of Borneo, Indonesia. Mountain snowpack in Colorado shrinks to 66 percent of its normal size. California revives the possibility of a two-tunnel water delivery project  Environmental groups organize […]


The Stream, April 3: Rivers Appear Overnight In Argentina Due to Deforestation, Climate Change

The Global Rundown New rivers appear unexpectedly across Argentina, likely due to deforestation and increasing rainfall. Radioactive contamination in Russia’s Techa River dirties the water supply of thousands. Environmentalists warn that coal mining may be impacting the quality of drinking water in Sydney, Australia. Damage to an old pipeline in Thessaloniki, Greece, leaves large sections […]


The Stream, December 18: Thousands of Gallons of Fuel Spill into Oregon’s North Santiam River

The Global Rundown Tropical Storm Kai-Tak makes landfall in the Philippines, causing flooding and heavy rains. Hong Kong researchers work to develop a super-bacteria that can clean up the large amount of waste water produced by China’s textile industry. The U.S. and Mexico deliberate over the final part of the Colorado Basin’s new drought plan. […]


The Stream, December 6: Melting Arctic Ice Could Worsen California Drought

The Global Rundown A U.S. District Court Judge orders Dakota Access Pipeline operators to develop an oil spill response plan. Somalia’s semi-autonomous Puntland region declares a state of emergency due to severe drought. Three companies are sued over water contamination in west Michigan. Testing reveals heavy metals in Hong Kong household water. Researchers find a […]


The Stream, October 5: High Bacteria Levels Found at Tokyo Olympic Swim Venue

The Global Rundown Olympic organizers in Tokyo, Japan find high levels of bacteria at the proposed open-water swim venue. Four more ‘fatbergs’ are discovered in the sewers beneath London’s West End. Low monsoon rainfall threatens winter crops in regions throughout India. The Texas Water Development Board begins drafting the state’s first-ever flood plan in the […]


The Stream, October 3: Global HotSpots Edition

The Global Rundown An analysis of 1,800 riots in sub-Saharan Africa verifies the hypothesis that drought is linked to outbreaks of unrest. The total number of cholera cases in Yemen could reach 1 million by the end of the year, according to Red Cross projections. UN Agencies and a variety of global partners join together […]


The Stream, September 25: In Canada, Global Warming Could Open Up Millions of Acres of Farmland

The Global Rundown Global warming could produce millions of acres of new farmland in Canada as frigid land thaws. Drought conditions are expected to ease throughout Australia as a cold front brings rain. Hurricane Maria weakens a dam in Puerto Rico, prompting thousands of downstream communities to evacuate. Drought-stricken nations across the world are turning […]


The Stream, September 19: Global HotSpots Edition

The Global Rundown Thousands are without clean water as Myanmar’s “ethnic cleansing” of Rohingya Muslims continues. China sparks tension with India by withholding hydrological data for the Brahmaputra River. India and Pakistan fail to reach a resolution during the latest round of talks on the Indus Waters Treaty. The World Health Organization plans to wage […]