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1030 search results for: Colorado River


Federal Water Tap, November 14: Obama’s Choices

Oil and Air The Obama administration announced last week that it would postpone a decision on pipeline from Canada’s tar sands to U.S. Gulf Coast refineries until after the 2012 election, according to the New York Times. The administration was expected to finish its evaluation of the 1,700 mile Keystone XL pipeline before the end […]


Unprescribed: Legislation to Keep Drugs Out of Water Thwarted by U.S. Pharmaceutical Lobbying

An estimated 10 to 40 percent of prescription and over-the-counter medicines are not used, but how to properly dispose of these drugs depends on who you ask. Since there is no continuous national program, states — and even some cites — are instituting their own regulations, but not without complaints from the pharmaceutical industry.


Federal Water Tap, September 19: Resource Disputes

Salmon and Gold A Senate Democrat from Washington state says she plans to ask the Environmental Protection Agency to use the Clean Water Act to block a mine planned in Alaska, the Anchorage Daily News reports. The Pebble Mine project would exploit some of the world’s richest gold, copper, silver and molybdenum deposits. The mine […]


Federal Water Tap, August 1: Flooding

Federal Flood Insurance Program Could Go Underwater Climate change could devastate not only landscapes and structures, but a national insurance program that pays for their rehabilitation, according to a soon-to-be-released report from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The study estimates that areas described as ‘flood plain’ could grow by 40 to 45 percent by the […]


Federal Water Tap, June 27: Water, Nuclear Oversight

Taking the EPA’s Authority Away A House committee approved a bill that would gut much of the EPA’s power to enforce clean water standards. The Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act, approved by the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, would transfer regulatory power over water, wetlands and mountaintop mining to the states, Greenwire reports. The House leadership […]


The Stream, June 24: Xayaburi Dam

Laos is moving forward with the construction of the controversial Xayaburi Dam, essentially breaching an agreement to suspend the project pending approval by ministers of neighboring countries, Reuters reported, citing International Rivers. Salt water threatens to seep into wells used by public utilities in Florida, after a severe drought left surrounding wetlands without water to […]