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1471 search results for: China


The Stream, December 12: Improving Agricultural Infrastructure

Upgrades to the world’s agricultural export infrastructure, such as roads, waterways and ports, needs to become a priority in order to feed a growing planet, according to the CEO of global agribusiness company Bunge, Reuters reported. Low water levels and a back-up of barge traffic on the Mississippi River have put renewed focus on grain […]


The Stream, November 30: Shifting Rainfall Patterns Linked to Migrations

Seasonal migrations of poor, rural communities due to shifting rainfall patterns, droughts and floods are increasing, according to a new study by CARE International and the United Nations University, AlertNet reported. The study warns that the migrations could become more frequent and permanent unless action is taken to mitigate climate change or adjust agriculture to […]


The Stream, November 21: U.S., Mexico Sign New Colorado River Water Deal

United States Representatives of the United States and Mexico Tuesday signed Minute 319, an agreement that forms new rules for sharing Colorado River water, the Associated Press reported. The agreement will allow Mexico to store water in Lake Mead, includes infrastructure investments to benefit both countries, and aims to revitalize the beleaguered Colorado River Delta. […]


The Stream, November 14: Flooding Hits Rome

Extreme Weather Suburbs, towns and farms outside of Rome flooded Wednesday after the Tiber River overflowed its banks and heavy rains backed up sewers and canals, Reuters reported. Widespread flooding has swamped Italy after strong storms passed through the country last weekend, killing four people. Farmers worry that increasingly frequent and severe flooding, coupled with […]


First Time Key Global Energy Report Highlights Water Constraints of Energy Production

Energy is becoming a thirstier resource, the report states. Photo courtesy Hess Corporation North Dakota is in the midst of a hydrocarbon production boom, as gas and oil developers tap the Bakken Shale. But the boom also is generating civic resistance in the arid region because it requires significant quantities of fresh water. Brett Walton […]


The Stream, November 9: Hepatitis Outbreak in South Sudan

An outbreak of Hepatitis E in South Sudan refugee camps has killed 26 people and infected more than 1,000, according to the United Nations News Centre. The virus is spread through contaminated food and water, and the problem could worsen with the rainy season and an influx of more refugees. China’s agriculture minister warned today […]


The Stream, October 26: Natural Disasters, Pollution, and Porpoises

Hurricane Sandy hit the Caribbean islands hard over the past few days, killing 21 people and knocking out power and water supplies in the Bahamas and Cuba, Reuters reported. The storm is expected to move up the United States’ East Coast, where some forecasters predict it could create a “billion-dollar disaster.” After three years of […]


The Stream, October 24: Poor Food Outlook After Nigeria Floods

The worst flooding Nigeria has seen in 50 years has destroyed many of the crops in the country’s major food-producing region, which may lead to a food crisis, BBC reported. The floods have killed 200 people and displaced more than 1 million. Meanwhile, fall flooding in southern Pakistan has affected 5 million people, according to […]


The Stream, October 18: Federal Focus on Water-Energy Nexus

The federal government must improve oversight on the nexus between water and energy, as domestic energy production will likely account for 85 percent of growth in domestic water production. That according to a Government Accountability Office report released this week, The Hill reported, which calls on the Energy Department to oversee water availability and use […]


The Stream, October 17: Environment Harmed in Rush for Food Security, UNEP Report Finds

Global investments in food security are degrading the environment, eroding the foundation that delivers much-needed food to the world. An environmental focus will assure sustainable food production, according to a report from the UN Environment Program, reported by Xinhua. Happy (Almost) Birthday, Clean Water Act A moment of celebration for a turning point in the […]