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1105 search results for: australia


The Stream, April 5: Melting Glaciers, Ozone Loss

Some of Patagonia’s glaciers are melting up to 100 times faster than at any time in the last 350 years, according to a study by Aberystwyth University. The findings have worrying implications for crop irrigation and water supplies globally. Meanwhile, the European Space Agency has measured record loss of ozone over Arctic that might be […]


The Stream, April 1: Hydrocarbons

After recent reports on NPR and The New York Times, this week Time magazine covers the hydrocarbon boom in the United States. Is the country facing a gas dilemma? Meanwhile, a Norwegian energy company is eyeing Kazakhstan’s energy reserves in the Caspian Sea, UPI reports. Coal Down Under, the devastating summer floods in Queensland have […]


The Stream, March 24: India-Pakistan Water Disputes

A 330-megawatt dam under construction in the Indus River Basin has re-ignited the water tensions between India and Pakistan in the disputed region of Kashmir. The hydropower project is the first to be referred to international arbitration under the World Bank-mediated Indus Water Treaty and signals an escalation in the Indo-Pakistani race to secure priority […]


The Stream, March 22: World Water Day 2011

The New York Times compares the water markets and policies of Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin and California’s San Joaquin Valley. Will California’s farmers follow in the footsteps of their Australian counterparts, who made far-reaching changes to their water practices in response to a dire 12-year drought? Agriculture, Industry In a sobering article, the Guardian‘s John Vidal […]


The Stream, March 15: Nuclear Power

Germany has set a three-month moratorium on plans to extend the lifetimes of its 17 nuclear reactors, and Australia might reconsider its uranium export policy following the disaster at Japan’s Fukushima plant. The European Commission is also holding a meeting of ministers and experts to review its nuclear power plans. Meanwhile, China said it would […]


The Stream, March 4: Water + Energy

With just a few days before China unveils its development plan for the next five years, should the world’s biggest energy consumer rein in its energy intensity targets to reflect its current reduction capacity or should it pump up its goals? Chinadialogue presents two opposing views. Indian activists are up in arms over a U.S. […]


The Stream, February 22: Cholera and Climate

Investing 2 percent, or roughly $1.3 trillion, of the global gross domestic product in 10 sectors, including agriculture, energy, construction and fishing, could shift the world to a greener future while simultaneously expanding the global economy at its current rate, a new report by the United Nations Environment Programme says. The measures will reduce greenhouse […]


The Stream, February 18: Africa’s Food Industry

Rising food prices have already pushed 44 million people in developing countries into poverty since last June, and are likely to hit Africa hard in the short term, the World Bank said earlier this week. But some experts argue that growing world consumption will also spark agribusiness investment, especially in Africa, according to The Christian […]


The Stream, February 15: Budget Cuts

Greenwire gives details on the highs and lows of President Barack Obama’s EPA budget proposal. Under the plan, EPA would take a 12.6 percent funding cut, or $1 billion less, than fiscal year 2011, including a slash in money for local and state water projects. Deep cuts are also planned for the Great Lakes Restoration […]


The Stream, February 11: Middle East Blue Peace?

Can the water crisis get Middle Eastern countries to cooperate? A new report for the Swiss and Swedish governments argues that Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine and Israel will have little choice but work together to solve their impending water problems. Meanwhile, Jordan plans to battle its water scarcity with seawater greenhouses, solar power […]