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1449 search results for: china, water


The Stream, January 6: El Nino Has Peaked

The Global Rundown El Nino, the global phenomenon causing extreme weather from Asia to Africa, has peaked and will likely diminish by the middle of the year. Floods in England last month inundated thousands of properties, and a new report urges the government to tighten restrictions on new buildings in flood-prone areas. Meanwhile, officials in […]


Infographic: Global Reservoir Storage Capacity

The rate of storage expansion has slowed since the mid-20th century Hoover Dam was not the first dam built in the United States, but the concrete wall across Boulder Canyon, on the Colorado River, was symbolic of an era. As the graphic below shows, reservoir storage capacity in the United States expanded dramatically in the […]


Paris Agreements Will Implement Climate Action On The Ground

Supporting deals focus on low-carbon energy, natural resource protection, and disaster risk reduction. Photo courtesy UNclimatechange via Flickr Creative Commons Approximately 25,000 official delegates from countries and organizations around the world are in Paris to negotiate the first legally binding global climate accord. Additional deals aim to make the overarching agreement a reality. Countries, businesses, […]


The Stream, December 2: Droughts Threaten Energy, Development in Africa

The Global Rundown Droughts in Ethiopia and Zimbabwe are putting pressure on hydropower production, while extreme droughts in southern Africa could put development gains at risk. Meanwhile, heavy rains have flooded Chennai, India. An airstrike in Aleppo, Syria, last week cut off water supplies to millions of people. The tailings dam disaster at an iron […]


The Stream, November 30: Paris Climate Talks Begin

The Global Rundown International climate negotiations that could lead to a binding global emissions deal kicked off today in Paris. Major countries pledged billions to fund research into renewable energy, much of which is being stored with pumped storage hydroelectricity. Governments in Brazil announced a lawsuit against the owners of the Samarco iron mine, which […]


Paris Negotiators Expected to Reach First Global Climate Pact

Momentum for a deal is strong. Photo © J. Carl Ganter / Circle of Blue Bill McKibben, co-founder of ““Paris is the scoreboard more than the game,” he says. “The results will reflect how much movement pressure we’ve built since Copenhagen.” Click image to enlarge. By Keith Schneider Circle of Blue French authorities issued […]