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2018 search results for: India


World Bank Loan to India Leads to Water-Damaging Projects

Report finds that a generation after withdrawing big loan for hydro project the World Bank is back with indirect financing. By Keith Schneider Circle of Blue In the pantheon of public campaigns to block big hydropower projects around the world, the fight to stop the Sardar Sarovar dam in India belongs in the hall of […]


The Stream, December 16: India Relaxes Stance On Indus Water Dispute

The Global Rundown Officials in India showed willingness to participate in talks with Pakistan over disputed hydroelectric projects in the Indus River Basin, despite earlier objections this month. Scientists in the United States warned Congress that rising sea levels due to climate change could significantly alter efforts to restore the Florida Everglades. Hundreds of thousands […]


The Stream, November 29: India Explores Small Hydropower Projects In Himalayas

The Global Rundown Small-scale hydropower projects in India’s Himalayas offer decentralized electricity to rural communities. A new survey suggests that millions of hectares can be restored in the Sahel to protect sub-Saharan Africa from encroaching deserts. Bolivia’s drought is made worse by population growth, inadequate infrastructure, and competition between water users, environmentalists say. The unrelenting […]


The Stream, November 11: India Supreme Court Rules States Must Share Water

The Global Rundown A decision by India’s Supreme Court invalidated a Punjab law that rescinded its river-sharing agreements with neighboring states. At the same time, Punjab is contending with declining groundwater levels that put its dairy industry at risk. Millions of dollars meant to help Bangladesh adapt to climate change were returned to donors after […]


The Stream, September 27: India Suspends Indus Water Commission

The Global Rundown India’s government has suspended the water commission that oversees the Indus Waters Treaty with Pakistan amid a dispute over terrorism. Communities in Telangana are protesting a reservoir that would displace thousands of people. Half a million homes in the United States lack access to adequate water and sanitation connections. A major roadway […]


The Stream, September 13: India Water Dispute Sparks Violent Protests

The Global Rundown A Supreme Court ruling regarding a water dispute between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu triggered violent protests in India on Monday. Airstrikes on a water well in Yemen killed at least 30 people over the weekend, according to the United Nations. Flooding in Mali’s Inner Niger Delta this year could be the worst […]


The Stream, August 30: Groundwater Contaminated In India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal

The Global Rundown Poor water quality means the majority of groundwater in the basin stretching across northern India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal is unfit for human use. The period in time since humans began significantly altering the planet should be officially recognized as a new geological epoch, called the Anthropocene, according to an expert working […]


The Stream, June 24: Landslides A Growing Problem In Northern India

The Global Rundown Changing rainfall patterns are one factor behind an uptick in deadly landslides in India’s Jammu and Kashmir state. Despite the start of the monsoon, water levels in reservoirs across India remain below average. Standing water due to inadequate drainage could increase the spread of a yellow fever outbreak in Kinshasa, the capital […]


The Stream, June 10: Monsoon Begins in Parched India

The Global Rundown Seasonal rains are advancing in India, beginning in the south. The annual summer dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico will be roughly the size of Connecticut. A geothermal plant in Iceland turned carbon dioxide into rock — but the process used a lot of water. Zambia is using solar-powered wells to […]