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276 search results for: Nile


Federal Water Tap, June 29: Supreme Court Will Not Hear Klamath Takings Case

The Rundown Supreme Court action affirms Klamath Tribes’ senior water rights. The GAO analyzes federal flood buyouts. Senators attach water-related amendments to an annual Defense Department spending authorization bill. Energy regulators begin an environmental review of a California pumped storage hydropower project. A Colorado representative calls for peaceful negotiations among Nile basin countries over a […]


The Stream, April 24, 2020: California’s Imperial District Quarrels as Shrinking Salton Sea Spews Toxic Dust

The Global Rundown Tensions rise in California’s Imperial Irrigation District as toxic dust taints the air around the shrinking Salton Sea. Stagnant water in the plumbing of buildings that have been temporarily shuttered by the coronavirus could pose health risks later on, experts warn. Ethiopia is set to begin filling the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam […]


What’s Up With Water – February 10, 2020

This is Eileen Wray-McCann for Circle of Blue. And this is What’s Up with Water, your “need-to-know news” of the world’s water, made possible by support from people like you.  In Australia, parts of New South Wales and Queensland are seeing some of the heaviest rains in two years. The storms are a welcome sight […]


The Stream, February 4, 2020: Toxic Byproducts Present in Chlorinated Drinking Water, Study Warns

The Global Rundown A new study by Johns Hopkins University warns that toxic byproducts can be produced when chlorine is added to drinking water. Egypt, Ethiopia, and Sudan say they will reach an agreement over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam by the end of the month. The Trump administration’s rollbacks of U.S. environmental regulations could […]


The Stream, December 19, 2019: U.S. Army Corps Liable for Reservoir Flooding During Hurricane Harvey

The Global Rundown A U.S. federal court rules that the government is liable for reservoir flooding in Houston, Texas, that occurred during Hurricane Harvey. Australia experiences its hottest day on record. A coalition representing millions of Americans sues the U.S. EPA over outdated slaughterhouse pollution standards, which are jeopardizing waterways. Two men facing criminal charges […]