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319 search results for: san joaquin


Federal Water Tap, January 2: What to Watch in 2018

The Rundown The Interior Department ends a Klamath basin agreement between Indian tribes and farmers after Congress fails to act. The State Department, at the request of Alaska officials, looks at mining pollution in British Columbia. The Bureau of Reclamation considers ways to increase pumping from California’s Sacramento-San Joaquin delta. The EPA’s financial assessment of […]


Federal Water Tap, October 30: Sen. Booker Introduces Environmental Justice Bill

The Rundown The New Jersey Democrat’s bill addresses disproportionate burdens of pollution. EPA and Interior release reports on laws and agency actions that impede energy development. The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee starts the groundwork for a new water infrastructure bill. President Trump says an aged dike in Florida should be repaired more quickly. The […]


Federal Water Tap, September 11: Reclamation Misspent Funds on California’s Delta Tunnels Planning, Investigators Say

The Rundown Reclamation subsidized planning costs for farmers and cities that get water from the Central Valley Project. A senator questions the economic analysis the EPA used in revising a contentious water rule. The House approves a budget amendment that would neuter the EPA’s ability to enforce Chesapeake Bay water pollution targets. Baltimore submits a […]


Federal Water Tap, July 17: House Budget Committee Plans 6.5 Percent EPA Cut

The Rundown In addition to the budget bill, the House passes controversial California water legislation while the Senate considers a big energy bill with water-related provisions. A Defense Department spending bill includes a human health study for firefighting chemicals in drinking water. Federal wildlife agencies find zero invasive carp near Lake Michigan during a two-week […]


The Stream, June 15: Flint Water Crisis Triggers Manslaughter Charges

The Global Rundown Five officials in Michigan are being charged with involuntary manslaughter in relation to an outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease, linked to the city’s water crisis, that killed 12 people. A U.S. federal judge has ordered a review of the environmental assessment of the Dakota Access oil pipeline. Major water agencies in California plan […]